Yesterday afternoon I began writing this post to share with Thursday 13 , but interruptions and distractions kept me from finishing. So, here I am this morning to try again. Just pretend this is yesterday. 1. I didn’t think I would write today. Then, the Husband and I went to the dentist for cavity work. 2. At our teeth cleaning, the dentist found we each had a cavity. Another first for us: his and hers cavities. 3. Our dentist is a very cool guy. He plays in a band called the Sake Bombs. Old rock and roll. That’s cool, but even cooler is he had us come in at the same time for the cavity work. 4. Dr. R&R has two stations dedicated for dental work other than cleaning . I got the corner one with all the windows to the busyness of passing everything and everyone. It was nice to look out a window and see something else, even if was waiting for decay to be drilled out of a back molar and the hole refilled. Is all decay the color black? Can it be gold or white?...