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Molly's Monday #9

Missus Lady and Hero Man have been hanging outside in the backyard with me a lot lately. I like it, even when they suddenly go into fits of chatter and laughter as they play with their paints, scissors, hammers, saws, and other stuff.

They crack me up, my humans do. Purrrrrrrrrr.

There is one quirk of Missus Lady that bugs me.

Click, click. Click, click.

When I hear that puckering kiss sound, miao, I turn around, miao, nearly all the time.

Click! goes the Missus Lady's camera.

How many pictures of me does she need? Miaooooo.


  1. Those humans are so boring...! Uff...!

  2. Many of my fur baby friends have asked the same question, Molly. And the answer is that you can never have enough pretty girl.

  3. ...she thinks that she owns the place.

  4. Great . Keep commenting on my blog because I love your comments.

  5. Sadly, Miss Molly, humans are of the opinion that they can never have too many photos of their four-legged companions, (not to mention the feathered and scaled ones) . . . it is one of those 'stranger than fiction' things. :)

  6. Miss. Molly, by golly, she needs as many as she needs and that is all.


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