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Counting Down to 70: Day 5, Tolerating

Ugh! On this fifth day towards becoming 70, I woke up with another glaring owie. This time, it was my right knee shouting, “You overdid it, Palsy!” 

A month ago, I joined a weekly yoga class that focuses oldsters on stretching, loosening up our joints, and building up our balance. Probably all that bending I did at class on Tuesday would’ve been okay if I hadn’t done a bunch of bending yesterday clearing out the geraniums. Ouchy growl!

Until this morning, I forgot that my poor swollen right knee, called Song, is still the bad knee. She has done quite well keeping up with Sing, the left joint that was totally replaced last year, which was my gift for turning 69. Poor Song. Hopefully, I can find another compatible, trustworthy surgeon to fix her in 2024. Sing’s surgeon retired. He was amazing, even straightening my leg when he said he couldn’t. 

The poor Husband. He kept running over to see why I was suddenly groaning, moaning, cursing, or growling so very loudly. Song did not like to bend so I hobbled about like Walter Brennan did when he played Grandpa on The Real McCoys. You’re definitely as old as me if you remember that 1960s TV show.

To top off this day, I discovered ants have infiltrated the house, dang! Fortunately, they’d only just begun their march into the house and were mostly in four houseplants. They were the tropical ones so I had to immediately repot them in order to bring them back inside. Frost is supposed to start at midnight. I read that ants hate the scent of lavender and rosemary. Guess what’s lining the patio door, both inside and outside, as well as surrounding the repotted plants.

If only the lavender and rosemary could repel the pain in my knee. Grrr. So this is what old is all about for me at the moment. Ugh!



  1. Why didn't we know aging would be physically painful?! Gentle Yoga truly does help though, even if you just show up to the mat 🤪 Hugs to you, my 70s friend ❤️

    1. The teacher says that, too, about showing up at the mat. I’m glad I finally did.

  2. Ouch. Sorry about your knee. But good that you've been doing the stretching. Yoga is hard. I tried it, and I really can't abide getting on my knees.

    1. I bring a big plump pillow to class to kneel on. Both knees are pretty even about hating kneeling. Are we the only animal that kneels?


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