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Countdown: Day 19, Thankful

I am grateful for being able to open the door and walk out into our backyard at any time of the day and night.

I am grateful for being able to pluck a persimmon off our tree, wipe it on my sweater, and munch on it as I wander around the backyard looking for forgotten things that put together will become something else. 

I am grateful for the Husband being the main dishwasher and coffee maker.

I am grateful that we are able to afford the utility bill so we can turn on the heater during the chilly season.

I am grateful that Daddy took the risk to sign a work contract with the Hawaiian sugar plantations and then decided to stay in Hawaii for a bit more (about 18 years) after his contract was over.

I am grateful that Daddy chose to become a U.S. citizen when the government offered it to him and many other Filipinos who were serving in the U.S. military during WWII.

I am grateful that Mama said “yes” to Daddy’s proposal of marriage and said “yes” to moving to the United States where working for wages as a field irrigator and fruit pruner was better than farming their own land in postwar Philippines.

I am grateful for Older Brother showing me when we were youngsters that I can participate in any school activity I wanted, particularly writing for the school paper.

I am grateful that longtime friend Ace said (not in these exact words) when we were high school sophomores, “Wouldn’t it be great if you made a living as a writer?” Until that moment, I had no idea that was a possibility.

I am grateful that Winifred took a chance to hire me for an assistant editor position and taught me all that goes into being a writer and book editor.

I am grateful to Pat, Caren, Mark, Kathy, Jim, and other editors for Chicago and New York publishers who, sight unseen, took a chance and contracted me to write books based on my outlines. 

I am grateful that the Husband and I decided to leave the San Francisco area and move in with Mama in my hometown, despite the long and tough adjustment of us, three ornery, independent individuals getting along. 

I am grateful that feral cat  El Gato came into our lives for a few weeks because that led to us meeting Molly the Cat who magically cut the tension among her humans.

I am grateful that the Husband and I have such wonderful, joyful, kind, and loving friends and cousins. 

And, I am grateful for hope and dreams. 

Peace, Happiness, and Love to you all, Dear Readers.


  1. All wonderful things to be grateful for.

    1. I’m grateful for blogging friends like yourself, Liz. Cheers!


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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