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Doodle the Time Away

I can doodle my way out of impatience while I wait in a doctor’s waiting room and then wait longer in an examination room. What do you do to remain a patient patient?

The above doodle was created during my final follow-up with Dr. G who replaced my left knee joint and realigned my leg. A miracle maker, he is. 

He thought I was giving it to him when I showed him the doodle. “I’m going to need it back,” I said. “This is on the back of my receipt.” 

A couple weeks later, I turned the doodle into a thank-you card for Dr. G who is moving on to new adventures. Cheers, Dr. G!

I’m sharing today’s post with Art for Fun Friday. Thanks for dropping by. See ya!


  1. While i wait. I read poems from my friends at sites where i link up. Happy you linked to Art For Fun Friday.


    1. Hi, Gillena! That’s a wonderful way to zen out while waiting.

  2. I read when I'm waiting. But I would like to try doodling. I especially liked it when it was the red on the white paper, but it's nice with the colors too. Have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Hey Erika! The trick to doodling for me is having both paper and pen in my purse. I was fortunate that day to get a receipt printed on regular paper, lol.

  3. Fun art and story! -Christine

  4. Thanks for sharing

  5. this made me smile. Thanks for that:


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