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Unconditional Love

Missy Molly by Golly, the pinky-nosed (wilde) Cat, has moved on to new adventures soaring through the Universe. I like to think that Molly’s Spirit reunited with Mama’s and it’s all a tumble of joy. Cheers to sweet Molly! Thank you, my girl,  for gracing our lives with unconditional love. 

I’m taking part in Art for Fun Friday at Lunch Break. Click here to check out hostess Gillena and the other participants. 


  1. 😊 she sure is a cutie. Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


  2. Oh so sad to hear about Molly ~ hard to lose our fur persons ~ but she is traveling universe with Mama ~ love to you ~ Xo ~ Wonderful tribute and art work of Molly ~ ^_^

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. I'm so sorry to read this Susie, I know you knew it was coming but knowing won't have made the loss any easier. With her years of unconditional love Molly has earned her wings, I hope she has reunited with your Mama and they are travelling the universe together until you all meet again xx

    1. Thank you, Eunice. She was brave, Missy Molly was. She didn’t express her discomfort, pain, and fear until the last day. Sweet baby.

  4. A very cute face. I am sorry about Susie. Hugs. Come join my Friday Face Off. Animal faces welcome. Have a great day.


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