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Take It Easy

Once, long ago, the First Husband and I stood in a long line at the gate to reach the inter island Hawaiian flights. We were getting quite close to being late for our flight so I was feeling plenty nervous, which meant I probably looked harried and was being short to the First Husband. 

We were nearly at the front of the line when a man and woman and two kids ran up beside the line and cut to the front, shoving each other through. The gatekeeper said to the man, "Slow down, Brother. Easy to get hurt." The man said,"Our plane is about to leave!" 

The man ran after the others. The gatekeeper, turning to the next person, said, "There's always the next plane."

I decompressed.  So simple. So easy. We were already in warm, sweet smelling Hawaii after all.

Have a wonderful weekend, One and All!


  1. Reminds me of the time our flight was back to California was cancelled-they had to offer us another day in the Islands (how sad). Obiviously, the other people who were upset had people meeting them or connecting flights or something...

    1. I've often wondered why people who drive fast, fast, fast to get to someplace on time doesn't just call to say their late.

  2. Sometimes it's easy to let things go. Sometimes it's not. May we all find it easier to let things go.

  3. Heh, perspective's a wonderful thing, eh? :)

  4. Point well taken! Easier though, you have to admit, in beautiful Hawaii than in snowy cold Denver or (which just happens to be the airport where we have been “stuck” more than once.) Substitute as you wish.

    1. Definitely, Sallie. Stuck in a warm tropical place would be happier for me. :-)

  5. Oh, that's nice. This morning I started to get upset about not being able to find one of my favorite recipes. I sat down and reminded myself that I could easily find another recipe online. Went back out to the kitchen and flipped through a few papers--and found it, but at least I knew I was okay without it.


    1. haha, substitute email for recipe and you've got my story today. :-)

  6. Replies
    1. I'm learning to live it bit by bit these days. It's about time!

  7. It’s always good to have a mantra when one is I. Line because you always have people who have a short fuse or some other havoc While in line. I have never been to Hawaii but I heard it is beautiful.

  8. Very true. Sometimes we all need a little bit of perspective.

    1. I'm glad I can sometimes learn from observing others' experience. :-)


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