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Dishing About Me

1. On Sunday, I came away from the antique fair in Moss Landing with eight yards of the above fabric. It was $3/yard, a bargain I could not resist, especially when it's such a cool print. I have no idea what I'm going to do with all that material. Any suggestions?

2. In case some of you are wondering, the huge pile of fabric strips (scroll to xiii) that I cut several weeks ago are still sitting on the bed in L Studio. Molly the Cat seems to enjoy sleeping on top of them.

3.  Carol of Comfort Spring nominated me for The Sunshine Blogger Award. Thank you very much, Carol!

As part of receiving the award, I'm to answer Carol's 11 questions.  Here's the first one: How did you begin blogging?
I wanted to hear my voice again -- the storyteller, not the writer of educational and reference materials -- so I decided to publish a blog about my hometown, Hollister, California. It became more like a travel blog, which was something else I wanted to try. Since I wanted to write personal stories, I started this second blog that I've renamed five times.

4. What is your favorite topic to blog about?
I don't have a favorite topic. I could go on and on about Molly the Cat, but she doesn't care for that too much.

5. What are your top 3 favorite foods?
Fried chicken (the way Daddy cooked it), bittermelon soup (how Mama cooked it), and ice cream.

6. What's one thing most people don't know about you?
I have a temper.

7. What is your goal for your blog in the next few years?
I have no goals at the moment.

8. If you could only keep 5 possessions, what would they be?
A box of pencils, a Swiss army knife, flint, a good amount of climbing rope, and a mixed bag of grain and vegetable seeds.

9. What's one thing you can't live without?

10. What is your favorite season and why?
I like each and every season.

11. Where is your special place?
Snorkeling off the shores of the Hawaiian islands

12. If you could have dinner with any one person—alive or dead—who would it be?
The Husband and I were talking about this subject the other day. His choice was President Barack Obama. Mine was Bill Nighy, because we share the same birthday.

13. What is your favorite place in the world?
Anywhere that I'm with the Husband and Molly the Cat. It would be particularly nice if that place was anywhere in Hawaii.

There you have it, a bit of dishing about me. :-)

Now, I'm off to visit participants at ABC Wednesday and Thursday 13. Come join me.


  1. Love your fabric buy - very pretty. Thanks so much for answering my questions. I love your blog and look forward to visiting throughout the coming years.

    1. Thanks, Carol, for presenting me with the award. :-) Cheers!

  2. I thought about getting a swiss army knife the other day.

    1. It's a good tool to have. These days you often can't carry it on you when you go to public ventures. We tend to forget and will walk back to the car to deposit the Husband's Swiss Army knife.

  3. Love your responses to the questions and love Bill Nighy :) Have a great day!

    1. Thanks, Michele. Bill Nighy, Billy Connolly, Alan Rickman, Rhys Ifans, and Craig Ferguson are among my favorite male British and Scottish actors. The thought of having dinner with all of them together, oh my!

  4. you are so totally YOU and I love it. Great list. If I could have dinner with anyone I'd want my dh along to share it with! I just saw bittermelon on chopped junior had never heard of it. How did your mama make it and what does it taste like? Hi to the spokescat Molly.
    We listen to the pod casts Futility Closet, and they have a podcat Sasha.

    1. Definitely the Husband would join me,. Other friends, too. Not too many, I wouldn't want to overwhelm Mr. Nighy. Bittermelon truly is bitter and an acquired taste. It's a different bitter from dandelions, which I think is very bitter. Mama made chicken bittermelon soup, using both the fruit and the leaves. Very simple. She started by steaming the chicken, ginger, and garlic, then adding water when the chicken fat became visible. She brought it to a soft boil, then lower the heat and simmer for about 15-20 minutes before adding the bittermelon fruit. After another 10 minutes, she added the leaves. A few minutes more, the soup was ready to slurp and chew with white rice on the side. Yummmmmmmmmm. I miss her soup. I miss Mama.

  5. What are you going to do in #8!? Maybe a bedspread or pillows for #1. I'd like to come to that dinner too only we'd have to add Enya cause she shares my birthday.

    1. Enya is very welcome. No doubt Mister Nighy would love that, too. #8, hopefully stay alive in meager times.

  6. I will take number one and nine...For number one and that good buy on fabric and I believe I would make jumper or an apron out of it.
    Number nine I would have to agree with you.
    Coffee is on

    1. Dora, I like the idea of a jumper. I thought about making a tunic but the material doesn't flow like rayon. A bright winter jumper would be cool. Something to think about.

  7. Lovely fabric. Your five choices are great, but somewhere there needs to be a roll of duct tape.

  8. Ah yes, Hawai'i Jane Austin . . . nice to see you again, Jane. :)

  9. I have some yarn that has no project to go with it, so I won't be of any help as to what to make with the fabric. It is a pretty cool print.

    1. I finally washed it today. Twice. Still has a mustiness to it so I might just hang it outdoors for a few days. First I need to be ambitious enough to put up a clothesline.

  10. I so love that fabric, it's gorgeous. Depending on the width I think i'd make a pair of curtains to brighten up a window where the sun doesn't shine through.. I would have suggested cushion covers but it would be a shame to cut it into much smaller pieces.

    1. Good suggestions. t's 56-inches wide, the woman said. I thought about making it a simple cover for our long sofa. The Husband reminded me that Molly will hack on it. Curtains for the bedroom, perhaps.

  11. I reckon you should cover a chair to sit on whilst you blog with that fabric - either that or you make a peacock frock with it! Congrats on winning the Sunshine Blogger Award, it was great to read your answers. Happy blogging!

    1. Peacocks! That's what they are. I called them birds of paradise and phoenixes. Thank you, Ms. Wren. :-)

  12. You surely deserve the sunshine Blogger award!

  13. Hello, I enjoyed your answers. Hawaii was one of my favorite places to visit too. The hubby enjoyed snorkeling there. Ice cream is a favorite food too, does that count as food. Beautiful sky capture! Molly the cat has a comfy spot. Have a happy day and a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Eileen. The sunset was off Asilomar Beach on the Monterey Peninsula, another favorite place of mine. Ice cream always counts as food in my book. :-) Good cheer,

  14. Just take one step at the time.... and enjoy the surroundings, it will get you everywhere

    Have a heartwarming en splendid ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    M e l o d y (team ABC-W)

  15. I haven't done a quiz in a while...hmmm...

  16. The fabric would make nice curtains or throw pillows.

  17. Enjoyed your answers and getting to know a little about you.
    dropping by from ABCW

  18. That was fun and I learned all kinds of neat things about you! I love pencils too....can I borrow one of yours? heehee! I would make pillow covers with the fabric and put new pillow covers in my lanai and on my bed! SO pretty! Hugs!

    1. Yes you may borrow my pencils, Lavender Dream! Oooh, a lanai.

  19. I need new sofa cushions, and I am using that shade of red as my accent color (lol, as if I am a decorator ...but we live in an apartment here in Oregon, so it is all very neutral and I need accents. So that’s what I would do with that beautiful design, but you would have to cut it up. Ohno. ..... I did definitely not imagine you as having a temper, you do a good job of hiding it and always make me smile! So you definitely deserve the sunshine award. ...also, do you still have the Hollister blog? I remember reading it a few years ago, but thought you’d switched to this one (under its previous name or two) ...I will go and check. ..... This was fun.

    1. Take 25 to Hollister is still up, but I haven't done anything in a very long while. I lost my mojo after Mama died in 2016. Every so often something sparks and I'll click away and share it at the FB page I put up for the blog.
      At the moment, I'm inclined to make a bed cover and sew any scraps into curtains. We shall see.

  20. Su-sieeemac - congratulations on your nomination for this award! I learned a lot about you from your answers to the questions. As for that fabric, I immediately thought of a coat - like Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat!

    1. Hmmm, the material has lycra in it, so a coat out of this material could work. I'd work in some strips of solids to break up the design.


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