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All is Well

Caw. Caw. Caw. Caw.

A flock of crows have been hanging around the neighborhood lately. I've watched some of them fly through the backyard, coming to rest on the tall, leafy skinny tree (possibly a birch) next door.  

Caw. Caw. Caw. Caw.

I never paid attention to these birds until one Sunday afternoon in 1994. The First Husband and I lived in an apartment building on the northwest flank of Mt. Sutro in San Francisco. That afternoon I was home working while the First Husband was attending a powwow. While I was looking out the window, a crow landed on our balcony. I moved closer to the window. It didn't faze the crow. That crow and I gazed at each other for a long while. I felt the crow was assuring me all would be well with the First Husband who was diagnosed with cancer.

Until a few weeks before he died, I saw and heard crows often. There were afternoons where I'd see a crow circling above the trees near our carport. Same crow? Maybe. Hearing or seeing a crow mellowed out my anxiety.

The First Husband's body gave up nearly a year after I saw that first crow.

Several hours after the mortuary picked up the First Husband's body, I got on my motor scooter and drove to Ocean Beach. There, picking at bread pieces on the sidewalk was a disheveled crow who looked like he had a hard long flight against the wind. "Now I see you," I said. "Where have you been?"

The crow, I thought, was the First Husband's animal guide, and when he died, so would be the end of crows in my life.

But, they haven't.

Caw. Caw. Caw. Caw.

Crows continue to assure me. Whether singly, in duets, or as a group, crows remind me to have faith.

Last week I told you that I painted the wine and liquor bottles that I used as a border in the front yard. Some of you asked that I show a photo of the border when I put the bottles back in. So, here you go.

What do you think about a layer of pebbles or stones in front of the bottles? With some hens & chicks plants and/or other low-growing succulents?

It's another week for two of the memes in which I like to participate. Please check out Jesh and Angie and the other bloggers. Grazie!


  1. There are black birds (Grackles) a-plenty in my neighbourhood. And yes they are quite daring, They can hold you to a stare down while other bird types will skittle away.
    I luv the Grackles i find they have such elegant tails but they are not the whistle type voice like other bird types.

    Happy Monday Susieee

    much love...

    much love...

    1. I believe in making allies with birds, but I will scold them if they're where I don't want them to be. :-)

  2. The crows are very smart birds, great photo. I love your bottle border, they look pretty painted.
    Enjoy your day, have a happy week ahead.

  3. Hallo, dear Susieee... thank you for your comment. Answers your question: the translation button is on the main page of my blogsite.

    Great captures! Happy MosaicMonday to you.

  4. thank you for the story of the crows. I've never looked on crows kindly but I see they are bringing comfort to you. ps - I love your bottle border. Have a fabulous week, and thank you for visiting my blog 2 weeks ago. So sorry to be slow in my return visit, life has been busy!

    1. No need to apologize, Jill, or feel bad about lagging with comments. I'm in the same boat. :-)

  5. I am listened to crows caw caw caw....while I read your post! My husband said you have a post with sound! Looks like you're having fun with your border! I love doing creative things! Enjoy your week! Caw Caw Caw!!!

  6. Crows mean destiny, flexibility and intelligence. I love reading about Native teachings and what the animal is saying to us. A great book is Animal Teachings by Ted Andrews(I believe that is the title and name.) I love your pictures and love the bottles which will look great as a pathway with stones and succulents

    1. Thanks, Birgit. I didn't know the meaning about crows. I think the description fits. :-)

  7. so I went and read what it means seeing crows over and over. Transformation, and spirit. Contact from beyond to guide.
    I never forgot the crows that came to someone's truck window, and used tools to eat what they were given. And the crow who adopted a kitten. Amazing really, how smart they are and how much some humans don't acknowledge that.
    When my last poodle passed, I had orange cats come to me for about 3 months. Run to me on walks, walk alongside me for blocks, stranger cats.
    We are all connected.

    1. I love your stories, LA. The images are strong. Is it coincidental that one or more make their presence known to me on days that the spirits of favorite people of mine soar into the Universe.

  8. Susie, I love your mosaic of the crows. Sorry for your loss. I love the bottle border. Have a great week. Sylvia D.

  9. Lovely mosaic of the crows! We have had lots of interesting experiences with smart! Hope your week is going well.

    1. Thanks, Ellen. We've been busy. Most of it is us fun. :-)

  10. Yeah, a layer of pebbles would be nice around the bottles.

    I'm so sorry about your first husband.

    How about a laugh. You may know the collective noun for crows is a murder. Then:

    1. Thanks, Liz. I learned a lot going through the dying process with the First Husband. One is that death can be peaceful.

  11. Su-sieee - crows may not be the most elegant of birds, but they perform very important functions in our ecosystem, not the least of which is eating the carcasses of deer along our roadways. Glad they have brought you comfort! I think pebbles and low-lying plants would set off your bottle border just perfectly! Thanks for linking up to Mosaic Monday!

  12. Crows have always been Messengers for me. :) . . . the bottle path looks gorgeous. Pebbles and hen-and-chicks would set it off beautifully. :)

  13. Here in Bellingham we sometimes get huge flocks of crows to the tall cottonwood trees behind our condo. They make quite a racket when them move from tree to tree. Up at the cabin we have a pair of resident ravens. They must own the territory because there are only two that we see at a time. A friend of mine says crows live in town, and ravens live in the bush. I don't know how true that is. - Margy

    1. That's interesting about crows and ravens. I have trouble distinguishing the two. The Husband says ravens don't speak, but it seems to me the raven spoke to Edgar Allen Poe.

  14. I think that would look snazzy but I also love what you have right now.
    Interesting about the crows, they certainly have guided you and maybe I'll look at them differently now.
    Red Winged Blackbirds, however, remain arseholes.

    1. hahaha. I remember mean blackbirds flying at humans at a shopping plaza that we once lived nearby. I wonder what gets into birds like that. Would they have been different if we gave them food?

  15. Love the painted bottles and your story. I love that you find comfort in the nature around you.

  16. Good that you found serenity now.... Have a good time with your hubby and your colourful garden!

  17. What a heartwarming crow story. I'm glad you noticed. Many wouldn't have.

    Have a fabulous day and upcoming weekend. ♥

  18. That is a brilliant idea to use wine and liquor bottles as border. So colourful. I find crows to be quite interesting and yes, they can definitely be spirit birds. It's a beautiful post, Susie!


  19. I believe in Spirit Animals ... you have found yours. ... ... love that border. I could easily spend a long weekend in your yard.. there would be so many great photo ops and whimsical beauty everywhere.


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