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A Lazy Sunday Looking Back

Here's a treat for you and me: Back in 1970, 16-year-old me wrote a piece about summer for the school newspaper.

Today I'm linking up with All Seasons, a weekly meme hosted by Jesh at Artworks from Jesh St.G. Click here to check out Jesh. For the participants list, click here. Thanks, Jesh!


  1. Amazing you kept that around for so long.

    1. Thanks to the Mama for being a sentimental hoarder. :-)

  2. The more things change, the more they remain the same.

  3. You were a good writer even at 16! Sad that you were worried about your weight so young. I enjoyed reading this - it does sound lovely the many ways to enjoy summer.

    1. Thank you, Shasta. I was a fat kid, really I was. Today a fat old lady. Happy though.

  4. Dang girl -- you were a talented writer as a kid!! (No surprise, because you still are!) I loved this and it brought back memories to very similar summers in the small town where I grew up -- albeit much earlier.

    1. Thanks, Sallie. If only I felt confident about my writing sooner. As I write that, sooner than what. Writing is my life. :-) I think we're about the same age. I'm going on the new 5 years old (65!)

    2. Appreciate the compliment ... but our oldest son turned 60 this year. (Of course he and I are the same age, approximately ;>))). (And since he's not retired, i'm sure I feel closer to the new 5 than he does!)

  5. Very nice piece!! Standing in line at the ice cream truck is my favourite image. Love the final sentence, unfortunately it is not realistic... ;)

  6. Love the cute elephant and the fact that you've always been a writer.

    1. Thanks, Carol. I thank the Only and Older Brother for showing me the way.

  7. A wonderful piece of writing, you had a talent for it even back then, and it reminded me so much of my summers when I was a teenager. If it was possible to relive any part of my life 1970 and 1971 would be the two years I would go back to - memorable years in more ways than one and with great summers too :-)

    1. Thanks, Eunice. Living in an agricultural town, most kids worked in the orchards and fields for extra money during the summer. I was fortunate that my parents didn't force me to go that way. Also that there were a lot of smaller kids on our street for me to score some babysitting jobs.

  8. Love your elephant drawing and really love your write up on summer vacation. Just last night I was telling my hubby how my brother and the neighbour kids and myself would play tag at night past much fun.

    1. Thanks, Birgit. I can hear your voices, "Not it. Not it." "Tag, you're it!" Freeze tag and Mother May I were my favorite games.

  9. What a erudite lass your younger self was. :)

    1. "Erudite" giggle. My history teacher said I was "obtuse". snort.

    2. Heh! :) ... that's the only way to tackle 'history'! :)


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