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Wordless Wednesday: A Mind Metaphor

This is how I think my mind looks (the cabinet, that is) when you look at me: Blank.

This is how I think my mind looks like a lot of the times: Disorder!

This is how I think my mind looks like when it really should be taking care of business: La, la, la, la.

I'm hanging out at Wordless Wednesday today. Come check out other bloggers with me by clicking here.

P.S. It's early Friday morning. I'm hooking up at Java's Never Growing Old: Follow Friday 40 and Over. Come check out other blogs with me by clicking here.


  1. I think we can all relate to that. I love that you put visuals to it.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  2. I can most certainly relate to that! Happy WW! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Mine looks a lot like that open cupboard.

  4. D.G., Lisa, Naomi, and Chrisbookarama: I am so glad to know I am not alone! Thanks for dropping by and letting me know. :-)

  5. I'm afraid my "open cupboard" is significantly more cluttered than that. *sigh*

  6. Now that we know what it looks like, perhaps you can tell us where it is!

    Nice to meet you from FOLLOW FRIDAY.

  7. I wish my mind was as clear as the first two pictures, unfortunaltly things are a little cluttered right now, we are spring cleaning in the fall. I have decided that we won't be doing this again.
    I am ready for my clear mind and house again.

    I found you on follow 40 and Over, would love to have you follow back.
    I happen to have two blogs. depending on what you like, a cooking blog, which is a family and craft blog

  8. Stopping by from Bloggers Over 40. That messy cupboard would make me very uneasy, upset and crazy! We like things neat at our house.

  9. Yup, it's so true ....A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words..... and you say it so clearly my dear Su-sieee.

  10. Maggie, you made me look closely at my cluttered mind, and I saw that I did have some order to the clutter. LOL. Yours is mostly likely so, too.

    Purple Cow, some days I wish I knew where it wandered off to. I hope it's having fun where ever it goes.

    Tin: I was thinking that the other day, too. That I needed to do some spring cleaning. I did clear the layer of books by a bookcase yesterday. The husband says he no longer has to go through the hallway sideways.

    Karen, glad to know. :-)

    Manzi, thank you kindly.

  11. I have decided that we won't be doing this again.
    I am ready for my clear mind and house again.


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