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Wordless Wednesday

The Octogenarian Pruning Mama

I've joined the Wordless Wednesday linky party today. Head on over and check out photos of other bloggers.


  1. keep busy = keep healthy seems to be working for her :)

  2. The Mama has a difficult time staying still. I'm just glad that she's more picky about appearances outdoors than indoors. In other words, she doesn't mind that a loonnnnng while goes between vacuuming. I love the Mama. :-)

  3. those are the best pruning shears to use. Never stop gardening in my opinion. Keeps us young.
    Tell me Thursday-The Antique , here is the link to my Wednesday Guessing game.Thank you for visiting yesterday and your guess

  4. I love it.. reminds me of my grandma.. and of myself.. Thanks for visiting me too.. Have a great day!

  5. Your blog is special. Will come back later for more. Thank you for visiting my blog.

  6. Lovely photo - and those roses!

    xo Erin

  7. What a beautiful garden!! Love the picture - so candid and the colors are awesome!

    Thanks so much for stopping by The House on the Corner! I'll be back to visit!

  8. Auntie E, that's for sure. The mama goes out in her garden everyday. The doc says he might take her off the iron pills soon. Whoo-hoo!

    Patsy, it's nice to know the photo clicks a picture of you and your grandma in your heart. :-)

    Shiju, thank you. I appreciate the sentiment.

    Erin, thanks!

    Donna, thanks. The garden is all the making of the mama. :-)


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