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July 22, 2024

Dear Blog,

Yesterday morning, I had in mind to visit a museum in Santa Cruz, then I began moving a piece of furniture in the living room after which I discovered a brown water stain by the kitchen table that led to moving more furniture, along with dish ware, cookbooks, and big plants. Ouchy, Mama. Hmm, could be why I’m tired today. Fortunately the stain was caused by the overflow of water from the plants. I need to finder deeper planter saucers. 

Before all this happened I was already in the motion of making pickled cucumbers. Eight pickling cucumbers yielded a small jar of relish, two jars of dill pickle spears, and a jar of bread-and-butter pickles. All first time things to try for me. I follow recipes for refrigerator storage because I don’t trust my ability to can them safely. Besides, how many pickles can we, two old fogeys, consume?

The Husband was a willing participant to all of yesterday’s action. The old guy can still lift and nudge a heavy object into place with the skills and knowledge of a former warehouse manager. Oooh, Muscle Man! With no complaints, he vaccumed the floor before furniture were set in their new spots, threw out vegetable water into plants outdoors, test-tasted ingredients I was prepping, and maneuvered around the homeless piles of books, papers, and whatnots sprawled on the floor, chairs, and couches. Maybe the rearranging of things was fun for him, too.

That was my Sunday of nothingness. 

Sincerely yours,
Septuagenarian Barefoot Susie

P.S. Yesterday President Joe Biden announced that he was withdrawing from the 2024 Presidential race. He’s all heart and soul and has done a lot for our country and the good of the people.  It takes a brave and wise man to step aside when he knows it’s time. 


  1. Canning wasn't too hard, from what I observed my mother doing years ago. Lots of boiling. But I'm with you, it seems like a lot of work.

    1. It’s fun canning with a friend. That I’ll do, unless the friend knows less about canning than me.

  2. Our cucumbers succumbed to some kind of fungal rot this year (and last year). So did our neighbors. Not sure what is going on there. I have made bread and butter pickles before but they are a lot of work.

    1. Hey Country Dew! I found an easy peasy recipe for refrigerated b&b pickles.


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