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Sunday Afternoon Rambling

I shall make a list, to check twice, sometime today. Any tasks undone by the end of the week makes me not naughty or nice.  

The weather experts say our area is in for four days, more or less, of rain. Whoot, whoot! That means doing indoor stuff. I need to bring the outdoor carpets inside or drape them in such a way, the rain washes them. Methinks the latter.

This morning we treated ourselves to a trip to the cafe for cups of mocha and artisanal pastries. What’s an artisanal pastry you ask? A flaky, robust almond croissant, for example, coated with toasted almonds and tasting of quality ingredients worthwhile of it being six dollars. I’m getting better at not flinching at the cost of treats. 

“Baby, it’s cold outside,” the ants are singing as they single-file prance their way into the house. I caught them twice invading the tropical plants by the sliding door window.  So far the ants have laughed at the lavender and rosemary sprigs, the vinegar wash, the spray of citrus-scented house cleaners, and the baking powder/sugar bait trap that I have put out to repel them. This afternoon I’m trying out lemon peels. If that doesn’t work, it may be time for commercial baits. 

On Sundays, sometimes, Mama would allow herself to rest, but after she had picked up the leaves and swept the in-between vegetable rows clean in her garden. I look like I’m always in rest mode. The Husband, too. Things get done.


  1. Ants are such a trial. I hope you're able to rid yourself of them.

    1. One good thing about the rain is that the ants don’t want to travel and their scented trail is wiped out. Now that I’m a homeowner I realize how many different bugs find their way indoors.


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