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Another Sweet Thursday

(1) It’s raining, hurrah, hurrah! The weather experts predict rain until Tuesday, yippiee!

(2) Rainy days mean soup is on. Today I simmered a huge pot of chicken backs and necks, with a big bulb of garlic. I ought to be able to freeze 4 pints worth of chicken broth. 

(3) The past few summers we’ve been able to purchase 10 or so pasture-raised chickens straight from a farm, enough to get us through the next summer.  Definitely a difference in quality and taste from mass-produced birds, even after several months in the freezer.

(4) I made corn chowder with some of the chicken broth. I sautéed onions in olive oil with pickled peppers and leftover roasted potato and leftover Chinese broccoli. Don’t you love it when you can turn leftovers into something else?

(5) I’ve decided to stop counting down the days to my knee surgery and simply think of it happening soon, quite soon, very soon, and the day has arrived. 

(6) With good fortune, nothing will interfere with surgery taking place. Have I mentioned that the hospital is having financial problems? The latest news is that it won’t file for bankruptcy and it can pay staff their salaries on the ninth, which is a few days before my surgery. 

(7) Hopefully, too, I will be at the correct door on the right day and time. Yesterday, I got a call to go pick up my surgery packet. “What surgery packet?” I asked the voice on the phone. “You are having surgery, right?” “Yes.” “Your surgery packet is ready. I’ll go over it when you’re here.”

(8) I went to pick up the packet in the afternoon, at the wrong place. Ha! I confused the physical therapy center with the orthopedic center. It took me an ever long second to realize that the latter is where I go to see Dr. G who will be fixing my knee! Duh.
(9) You’d have thought I was smoking the whacky stuff. My brain would’ve functioned better, me thinks. I use cannabis for pain management but when I read studies about the risk of complications with anesthesia, I decided to stop and have my body be 30 days clear come surgery date.  So far, so good with extra-strength acetaminophen. 

(10) I did wonder, when I put the receiver down (still on a landline, we are), why the physical therapy center would give me a surgery packet and why didn’t the physical therapist give it to me yesterday when I saw him. lol

(11) Thank goodness we are with car again. We bought a cute used Mitsubishi Mirage from a car rental outfit. She’s a workhorse, Sally Fourth is. The other day she got 47 mpg! 

(12) The Mirage is a descendent of the Colt, a Mitsubishi product that came out in the 1960s. In the U.S., it was marketed as a Dodge Colt in the 1970s. My first car was a yellow 1971 Dodge Colt that I named Emeline. We drove up and down California and criss-crossed the continent. Such fun!

(13) The Husband and I have been  introducing Sally Fourth to the backroads around the county. It feels so good to see the sights again, and to dream and plan future road trips. I dare say it, Yi-haw!

It’s Thursday, so that means Thursday 13 and I Like Thursday. Come join me. 


  1. good luck with that knee and the hospital. why couldn't the PT give you the packet? One hand doesn't know what the other is doing....

    1. According to a woman at the PT center, the center doesn’t give out those packets, which make sense. She told me to go to the hospital. Thank goodness I recalled what office the voice on the phone said she was from.

  2. Ok so am going to ask...what's in a surgery packet??? I really like that you're looking ahead and planning trips..more power to you!

    1. I finally peeked. It’s a good thing, there were instructions I needed to know. The surgery packet is a bunch of forms I’m to take to the hospital when I pre-register.

  3. I guess I don't know about the taste of free-range chickens, but I do know that the eggs from my free-range chickens are so much better than those white ones with the dim yellowish yolks you get in the store.

    1. It’s the same with free-rage chickens, so very much better!

  4. There's just something about soup in winter or cold weather that is satisfying.

    I know nothing about cars but that Mitsubishi looks good.

    Good luck with your knee surgery.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. She has a cute horn, beep beep. In emergencies, I’ll have to lean on the horn hard so it registers with the big vehicles on the road.

  5. That crazy mix up is like stuff that happens to me. It's so confusing I can't even follow your description of it. Is Sally Forth the name of the car of the name you gave it/her. Ride Sally Ride.

    1. Sally Fourth is her name! We say fourth because it’s the fourth car in the Husband’s and my life together.

  6. Yay for a new (to you) car! I bet that's making getting things done so much easier.

    1. Definitely! Especially now that it’s rainy and cold.

  7. I love the name of your car! LOL Good luck with the surgery.

  8. Glad to hear you are getting knee surgery and it will turn it great. I hope you are completely covered. I’m glad you got a new car and you both look happy


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