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Who’s on First?

This week’s Q & A at Sunday Stealing, hosted by Bev Sykes, is all about firsts. Who’s on first base is not one of the questions. That’s okay. We know who was on first base, right? If that doesn’t make sense, then you may want to search for “Abbott and Costello who’s on first” in your browser. Now, on with the actual questions.

First job: Cutting apricots for three days when I was 9 years old. 

First favorite politician: George McGovern. His presidential campaign was the first one  I ever worked on.

First record/CD: There were two albums in my family’s collection of six that I liked to play a lot when I was young, “Sing Along with Mitch Miller and the Gang” and “My Son, the Nut” by Allen Sherman. 

First sport played: Baseball.  What a thrill it was to whack the ball that first time. I was in first grade. How can I forget the teacher coming over to first base to tell me that I must put the bat down, not throw it willy-nilly after I hit the ball.

First concert: In 8th grade, I was in chorus so our performance at the Christmas concert was my first concert. The first big-time concert I attended was Gil Scott-Heron’s. The revolution will not be televised.

First foreign country visited: In 1974, Daddy and Mama thought it would be a good idea for me to visit the Philippines, to see and learn where my family was from. So, off Daddy and I went for nearly a month. Mama stayed back to work, to help pay off the bill for Daddy and me to take the trip. It was one of the best things that could’ve happened to me.  It put a lot of things, including family, poverty, opportunities, being Filipino, and being American, among other stuff, into perspective. Humbled me big time.

First favorite TV show: “Who’s the leader of the band that’s made for you and me…” The Mickey Mouse Club!

First favorite actor: Dan Dailey. I especially liked his song and dance movies. 

First favorite actress: Katharine Hepburn

First girlfriend/boyfriend: If I go by Mama’s stories, my first friend was a blonde-haired boy named Dickie who was a year older than me and lived a couple houses away from us. I was probably 2 or 3 years old. Interestingly, so I think, the grey-haired, once blonde, Husband’s nickname is the same as my first friend’s. Except the Husband spells it with a “y” instead. 

First encounter with a famous person: Haven’t encountered a famous person yet, but I’ve met people who later became well-known for something.

First house/condo owned: The Husband and I became official homeowners for the first time last year. I inherited half of Mama’s home and the Husband, with his inheritance, bought off Brother’s half. 

First film seen: Swiss Family Robinson. Something in the movie spooked me so much, I cried and cried that our family had to leave before the movie was done. I was 16 or 17 the next time I saw a movie in a theater.

First favorite radio station: A jazz station in San Francisco or Oakland. Its tag line was The Quiet Storm. 

First book I remember reading: Golden books and comic books were my first books,  but the first big hard book I read was “Paul Bunyan Swings His Axe” by Dell J. McCormick. I still have it, too.

There, you have it. For more Sunday Stealing, click  here.


  1. Little Golden Books. I had a pile of them. I have no idea what happened to them. I had forgotten about them.

    1. Years ago, I collected them. Now what do I do with them? lol

  2. The Little Golden books are awesome. I am not sure what happened to mine. I have my Disney books, but I do not think I have seen the Little Golden Books. Loved your answers! Have a nice day.

    1. I only have ones that I collected over the years. I thought I was done, ha! I bought a couple at a library sale recently.

  3. I noticed that they have reissued the Little Golden Books--saw some at Barnes and Noble the other day

  4. Ha! -- I was thrown off the girls' softball team for throwing the bat. Mitch Miller was practically appointment TV in my childhood home.

  5. Fun memories -- isn't it interesting the way a word or phrase can trigger them! Although the word "first" is of course a trigger for old memories (but not as old for you as it would be for me ;>) . I was intrigued by your visit to the Phillipines -- what a brilliant thing for your parents to do for you. A wonderful opportunity and one you used well! I loved that story and wouldn't mind hearing more sometime when you feel nostalgic.

    1. Sallie, what I’ve begun to wonder is if my parents also had the hidden agenda to get me married. hahahaha.

  6. I saw George McGovern in New Paltz, NY in the fall of 1972.


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