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An Unfolding Tale

I’m participating in a new meme (for me, that is) called Friday Writings, which is hosted by Poets and Storytellers United.

Fragment #1

“Come on, Honey. Let’s take you home now,” said the kindly man in blue holding out his hand to the grey-haired, naturally tanned woman sitting pertly on a stone bench in front of the Veteran’s Memorial Building. Six feet away, among tiles commemorating military veterans, was her dad’s, the only connection visible to her past. 

The short stout woman with knees far younger than her walked steadily beside the middle-aged escort who reminded her of the son she did not have. 

The sun was halfway to the horizon. Be home by sunset, her parents had told her so very long ago.  (to be continued…maybe)

To read creative poetry and prose from other bloggers, head over to Friday Writings.


  1. This is brilliant! I hope it will continue. Have a lovely day.

  2. A good beginning? I wonder where she's going.

  3. I'm with DVArtist! I'm hope it does continue. I'm curious about the woman, about her escort, about what happened to the rest of her family--why is the dad's memorial the her only connection to the past? This is a very intriguing beginning...

  4. I am looking forward to more, much more of you writing!!! This is poignant, sweet ....

  5. Oh Susie... how touching this is. I like several phrases a lot too, like her knees are younger than she is, and reminds her of the son she didn't have. I love writing, I should join y'all on Fridays LeeAnna

    1. Thanks, LA! This is my first time. The participants are so very supportive.

  6. This introduction intrigued me. I am looking forward to more.
    I also loved the painting. Looks like a watercolor to me. :)

    1. Thank you! The picture is a photo that I “painted” in Photoshop a while back.

  7. Great writing style Yes please continue

  8. Some interesting hints of what's to come

    1. It has been a very long time since I tried my hand at fiction. With yours and everyone’s feedback, I’ll give it a try, see where this tale goes.

  9. Fascinating fragment. I too would like more.. And the picture is wonderful also. So glad you found P&SU.

  10. A lovely fragment of the story, I'm looking forward to reading more :)

  11. Hi Susie, I am glad that you are writing again. This will be a neat story, please do continue with it.. I like you illustrations, here and the header also. I'm still doing he Alphabet thing weekly, now on Fridays with Tom, and on my OTHER BLOG, "Jim's Little Blog", which will be the old one for you.
    Except I have been on Sabbatical for March and before and/or after. I haven't started back with them yet. We were on a cruise 23 days in March, it was supposed to be 16 days except that after disembarking we had to keep on quarantining another week to suit the U.S. reentry requirements.

    1. Thanks, Jim. It’s very good to hear from you. The header is a drawing while the illustration here is a photo that I “painted” with Photoshop filters. You and your honey are very brave and confident to go on a cruise. Hope you had a wonderful adventure.

  12. An intriguing beginning you've painted. Does make me want more story.

  13. You painted a quick picture with this flash story causing everyone to be intrigued, curious, and wanting more. Count me among them!
    Your art is wonderful as well.


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