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I read this morning that today’s date is a palindrome and, to some people, it is a lucky day. Two/ two, two/ two two. A lucky day for something, I happily concur. 

A buena fortuna of a 2/22/22 to you, mes amis!


  1. I always notice palindromic dates when they occur though I've never really thought of them as being lucky. I love the photo, you're looking good :) :)

    1. Me either. It’s fun though, I just try not to take my superstitions too seriously....Thanks, Eunice. This was right after I took the scissors and cut off my long tresses.

  2. I have heard so much hype about today. For me, it was ordinary. Although, the class I covered had to write on a prompt about the day. Well, it was as good a topic as any, I suppose.

    1. I had a bit of a growl with a customer rep on the phone yesterday. So much for luck. But, this morning my query was resolved. Relieved am I. Hope you got some interesting stories from the kids.

  3. I forgot that it is supposed to be a lucky day. Here is to luck! Prozit!!

  4. Someone posted that actually it is palindrome week since every day is 22322, 22422, 22522....But I do like the 22222, and I had a friend that posted at 222am. Beautiful smile.

    1. And, it’s a leap year! Oops, tis not....Thank you, Siouxzq.

  5. Su-sieeemac! Oh, I am so relieved to see you posting again! These days, we wonder when someone "disappears"! Welcome back to blogland!

    1. Hi, Angie! I began a lot of great posts in my head. By the time I found a pen or a keyboard, the words had fizzled. Kinda like dreams. Slowly, slowly....

  6. A veritable plethora of two-ness. :)


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