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This Week's 13


1. It's a gorgeous day. What mischief can I do today?

2. The lower end of the front yard is looking like a meadow. The first poppy showed itself yesterday.  

3. The tree is an ornamental pear. About 20 years old, more or less, it is. It sheds leaves like crazy throughout the year. The last two weeks it has been snowing white blossoms.

4. I'm 10 days into a detox diet for eczema. The regiment is not so bad. No dairy, no gluten, no sugar, no caffeine, no no Nanette. I look forward to adding foods back. 

5. A few days ago I decided to stop using the immunosuppressant ointment a dermatologist prescribed couple years ago. I had used it sparingly so hopefully the withdrawal symptoms won't be terrible. You should've seen how horrible my face looked when I stopped topical steroids. 


6. Molly the pinky-nosed (wilde) Cat came home to live with us nine years ago.  The girl loves to stop and smell the flowers.

7. A load of laundry is in the dryer.  The Husband just came back from the doctor, which means I'll soon put the pants load into the washer.

8. The bias tape maker that I ordered from Amazon came the other day. It was cheaper than buying a bunch of different colored bias tape. I use bias tape for mask straps. Now to clear up space in L Studio so I can try out the bias tape maker.

9. In February, 25 years ago, the Husband (who wasn't the Husband yet) and I moved in together into a house in El Cerrito. We had lived in apartments, him in Oakland, me in San Francisco. It was grand to not have to climb three flights of stairs with groceries, laundry, and other heavy objects. 

10. Mama, surprisingly, had no objection to us living in sin. We did marry seven months later.


11. Happy Birthday to Doug! The Husband's brother would've turned 74 today. We miss Doug. I like to think Doug's Spirit is soaring joyfully and peacefully through the Universe.  

12. I also like to think that Daddy's Spirit has said "How do you do?" to Doug and flown about with him some, too. In 1982, Daddy died from a heart attack. He was 76 years old. 

13. "Enough," Daddy would say as I snapped away with the camera. I miss Daddy. I like to think that the first butterfly I see any day is Daddy dropping by to say hello.

It's Thursday 13. Come check out the other participants with me.


  1. I hear they're getting 2 inches of snow back home in VA but the daffodil buds are up. You and hubby both have let your hair down since that picture was taken! I hope the new diet does well for you.

    1. The photo with the Husband's brother was taken 20 years or so ago when my hair was still dark.. :-)

  2. I too hope your new diet works out for you. Taking medicine for what ails you can turn into a nightmare unto itself.

    1. It has taken me 10 years or so to commit myself to investigating if the food I eat causes me to flare up. This detox diet isn't so bad, have I said that. At least I can eat lean animal protein.

  3. ' . . . 1. It's a gorgeous day. What mischief can I do today?. . . ' - Heheheheheheh! :)
    I've thought about getting one of those bias binding machines too. Let us know how it works out. :)

  4. No, no, Nanette. Snort. Good luck finding the culprit.

  5. What a wonderful list of Goodness!!!
    Thank you 💙

  6. No one has ever suggested I try a detox diet for my eczema.. Maybe mine isn't considered that much of a problem, but I sure get tired of the itchiness and the ugliness. Great photos. No, no Nanette made me smile.


    1. Janie, I'm following The Eczema Detox by Karen Fischer. Several months ago I bought the book but only decided to follow the program a couple weeks ago when all things stressful came to an end for me. I have had facial eczema for 20-some years, and like everyone has tried a whole bunch of treatments with no success-- the steroids, Protopic, naturpathic healing, acupuncture, Eastern medicine. Until now, I've ignored the food angle because I love to eat. My face does feel calmer.

  7. Good luck with the diet! i have been on a limited diet for years due to allergies and digestive problems. It gets monotonous.

    1. I got excited this morning when I ate a rice cake. hahaha


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