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Loose Thoughts on a Monday

"Let's make valentines for our friends," I said.
"Okay," he said.
Have we started?

#1 Am I becoming Mama?
As I pulled out the pit from the avocado, I noticed that it had sprouted. It gave out vibes like it wanted to grow, to become a tree. 

Our avocado tree began bearing fruit about 10 years ago, more or less. Mama planted seeds throughout the backyard and many (if not all!) of them sprouted. After Mama's Spirit soared into the Universe, I pulled out over 20 avocado plants in the yard, including a couple growing among the roses. Ouch!

Yeah, I saved the avocado pit. It's nesting on top of a potted plant on the kitchen counter. If it grows, it grows.

It's time for Mosaic Monday, a weekly meme hosted by Angela of Letting Go of the Bay Leaf. It's a cool meme and blog to visit.


  1. I think we all tend to become our Mama eventually. Sometimes my hubby when he calls me will say "You sound just like your Mom on the phone" I love it! She was precious. Love all the editing styles on your mosaic!

    1. Thanks, Suzy. It cracks me up when I hear myself chuckle and be reminded by my dad's or when I gaze a certain way and I think that's Mama. It's nice and comforting.

  2. Your mosaics are very fun and SO colorful! Save me an avocado....a little salt and a dab of mayo and I would love it right off the tree! Happy Monday!

  3. My mother took a pit once and did the whole toothpicks over a glass of water thing. She planted the tree in the backyard. I don't think we ever got avocados from it before we moved from that house.

    1. The first pit that Mama planted has grown into a 12 foot tree. Two years ago it started producing inedible 2-inch fruits. That was a surprise. I thought it was a fluke until I saw fruit dangling again last year. I wonder if the fruit may grow bigger, if I pruned back the tree. The avocado tree that produces in our yard was from a nursery. It took several years before it bore (beared?) fruit.

  4. I hope it grows!! :) That's a beautiful mosaic Susie! :)

  5. Beautiful mosaic. And yes to avocados.
    I’ve tried to grow avocados a couple of times. No luck..
    Maybe the third time will be the charm.
    Enjoy the week...

  6. Su-sieemac - we all have things we plan to do that don't come to fruition. And then there is your Mama, who plants an avocado pit (and many other things) and it yields fruit. Ah, to have that depth of faith! Thanks for bringing a little dash of hope to everyone over here at Mosaic Monday!

    1. Angie, I've never thought of growing things as having faith, but it is. Thank you for showing me that. -)

  7. I realised a while ago that I was somehow morphing into my mum. My son had sustained a long deep scratch on his arm and as it healed he kept scratching the scab off, until one day I said "Stop scratching that, you'll make it bleed" - which is exactly what my mum used to say to me when I was a kid :-) I like the mosaic, especially the top middle bit :-)

    1. Thanks, Eunice. I hope that I will catch myself before I ever suddenly dab an ointment onto someone's arm without asking, too. Mama did that to me all the way into our old age together. lol.

  8. Replies
    1. Sung to that song about the inch worm, or is it a glow worm.

  9. Some are lucky to have fond memories of their mothers and learn from the wisdom that was shunned as a youth. Me? Not so much. I truly do not want to be like my mother but she can grow anything and loves to be in her yard.
    I'm glad you have fond memories brought back to you from something so simple, an avocado.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade


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