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A Birthday Painting

I like to do things on my birthday to set up my new year. For instance, one year, I made sure to go swim laps. And, did I swim laps that year? Yep. 

For my 67th birthday, which was in December, I set up a tabletop easel on a TV tray table in our office where the afternoon lighting is the best to paint. So I did. I painted this imaginary scene on cardboard with acrylic paints. 



  1. That is such a nice custom and now you have a memory with your delightful painting. Happy December Birthday and Happy New Year, and thanks for the smile!

  2. Very nice. So, you'll be treating us to more paintings in the future?

  3. You painted a plaace I would like to explore :) Gorgeous!

  4. Ahh, yes please . . . with a nice little cabin off to one side with a hot springs fed hot tub. :)


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