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Reading One to Thirteen

My 13 things today are books I've read that have a number in their title, except for #11. I had to refer to my Goodreads list to come up with the titles. Some of the titles are from waaaaaay back, such as the one by Thurber, which I want to re-read.

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

A Tale of Two Cities

by Charles Dickens

Tres Pinos—Its Colorful Past
by Peter Frusetta 
(Tres is Spanish for three.)

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

by Judy Blume


by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

Now We are Six

by A.A. Milne

Seven Dials

by Anne Perry

Eight Cousins

by Louisa May Alcott

Nine Coaches Waiting

by Mary Stewart

Ten Little Indians (And Then There Were None)

by Agatha Christie

Index to Murder

by Jo Dereske
(This is #11 in the Miss Zukas series.)

The Twelve Clues of Christmas

by Rhys Bowen

The 13 Clocks

by James Thurber

What books have you read with numbers in their title?

Check out more lists of 13 at Thursday 13.


  1. March 17, 1971??? Wow. I know what I was doing that day. Floating around in my mother's womb...

    My 4th grade teacher read us Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I've been a Judy Blume fan ever since.

    Did you know Keith Olbermann reads Thurber? I'm not sure if he does it on YouTube or it's just through his Twitter feed. He reads a different story every week. You might enjoy that.

    1. Here it is 11 days later to read your comment, Liz! So, I'm sitting on a bench in front of my high school enjoying the reading of books with friends, while you're enjoying it in the womb. A delightful day both of us! :-)
      I'll check Olbermann. I'm curious to hear what his non-commentary voice sounds like.

  2. Hello,

    I love the mystery/thrillers and have read all of James Patterson's Women's Murder Club series. The last one was called the 20th Victim. Ten Little Indians was one of my favorites.
    Take care, have a great day!

    1. Maybe it's time for me to read a James Patterson's story. The series sounds interesting.

  3. I can't think of one, but Slaughterhouse 5. OH, and The 4 Agreements.

    1. Colleen, just came back from google. I'm glad you mentioned The 4 Agreements. I'm ready to read, possibly embrace, now. Thanks!

  4. There's always 1984. Sigh. And then the entire Janet Evanovich series with Stephanie Plum. A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley.

    1. I just read the synopsis for A Thousand Acres, wow. I'm going to read King Lear first, then this novel. Thanks for mentioning it, Anita.

  5. I can't get over how clever you are!!! I've read some of those too!

  6. Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series, starting with One For The Money and most currently Twisted Twenty-Six.

    1. Her stories and storytelling make me laugh out loud. Grandma and Lula are too much!

  7. I'm sure I have but I can't think of one on the spot

    1. I couldn't have done this list without referring to my Goodreads account. There, I marked books I've read since kiddie days. Three Billy Goats Gruff was one of the first, if not first, books I read on my first day of first grade. Ha, the things I remember when I'm old.

  8. Wow I am so amazed that not only have you read thirteen books with numbers in the title, but that you were able to use all thirteen numbers!

    1. #11 was a stretch. :-) Thanks for the sweet words.

  9. I have read 6 of these books, heard about three more of them, while the remaining 4 are new to me (while not new at all!!).. and agree with LA Paylor totally..

  10. The only one I have read is "A Tale of two Cities." And that was a long time ago!

    1. High school, right? I skimmed it back then, but did read it years later when I thought I needed to read Dickens. Didn't get far. Took me over 20 years to get beyond the first chapter of David Copperfield. That's one of my favorite stories.

  11. Fun. I’ve read and loved two,, six, eight, ten and twelve (what happened to four? I’ve got all the rest of the evens covered). I *should* read #1, but I am most intrigued by #11 ....the only one without a number....I am kind of into reading books in series right now, probably because I like that the characters are familiar old friends after the first one. (Since I’m not seeing much of my real-life old friends these days). I suppose I must confess to having read all of the Stephanie Plum series ... they have successive numbers in their titles and I think the author is just going to go on to number six million with her characters never growing older or wiser. . Really really not literature, they read more like a comic book, but I started the series, so I keep checking them out from the library when a new one comes out. ....

    1. For decades, all I read were mysteries with female protagonists, particularly, Northern and Central Coast California, specifically, San Francisco Bay Area. Now I remember when I stopped reading Stephanie Plum, some where in the teens. I've read the last three she wrote. She still makes me laugh and root for Stephanie, Grandma, and Lula.
      I've been reading cozy mysteries again. Funny how I'm twice the age of characters who were my age when I first read them.


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