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13 Things I Bought

I was seduced. To buy each of these 13 things, that is.  It may have been by a salesperson (live or in a commercial) or by someone who was with me. More than likely, it was I who persuaded myself into thinking I certainly wanted and needed something, thus bought it.

1. A mop with disposable cleaning pads and solution that sprays from the mop at a press of the button. It was ridiculous how many cleaning pads I used in one mopping.

2. A manual mini food chopper. It did not chop, mince, or dice for me like it did for the guy in the TV commercial.

3. A red woolen shawl made in Ireland. I wasn't thinking and washed it in the washing machine. Shrunk, it did. 30 years later, the threads have begun to loosen. I may still wear it yet.

4. A food dehydrator. One Christmas I desired a food dehydrator. So Mama gifted me one, as did the Husband. I returned one of them. Drying fruits and vegetables in the oven is far easier.

5. A pair of orthopedic sandals. They were the first pair of shoes that cost me over $100. They were very uncomfortable so I hid them in the back of the closet. Twenty years later I pulled them out to wear. Ha! The soles had come unglued.

6. A second set of earring holes. They closed up within a couple of years because I was too lazy to wear earrings.

7. A book (to represent many) of which I read several pages and walked away.

8. A book (to represent a few) of which I read several pages to realize I've already read it.

9. A record album (to represent a bunch) that had maybe one song I liked.

10. A top (to represent quite a few) that only looked good in the dressing room.

11. A pair of white mother of pearl earrings in the shape of fans. I got them to wear on my wedding day to the Late Great First Husband, but on that day, they didn't go with my outfit. One of these days I'll find the right occasion to wear the earrings.

12. A bag full of make-up from the cosmetic counter at Macy's!

13. The opportunity to double my money by picking the cup under which sat a pretty red ball. Three cup monte. I was in my early 20s, sitting in the back of a bus heading downtown in San Francisco. I knew better, but, for that day. $20, poof, gone.

It's Thursday 13, my friends. Click here to check out other bloggers.


  1. Hello,

    I think we all have a list of things we regret buying. Thirteen things over all those years is not too bad. I have let my earrings holes close up too, I do not wear any jewlery. Except my wedding ring. Take care, stay safe! Have a great day!

    1. Oh, there are more than 13, Eileen. The others, fortunately, continue to stay hidden in my memory. lol.

  2. So is it always. I always try to wait on buying on things and then if I still want it I buy it.

    1. Most times I do that -- wait out my desires. One thing about being retired and hunkering down during the pandemic, I realize, again, I don't need much.

  3. Whew! And here I thought I was the only one with such purchases. We need to form a club.

  4. Oh my! I would have to put my thinking cap on for this but I'm sure I could come up with this many or MORE! I know I have a room full of dolls and now....I wouldn't buy another doll. I have a second set of holes and wear my studs in one and a dangly earring in the other. Oh how I love being able to wear MORE jewelry! lol Hugs!

    1. Diane, you've got me wanting to wear earrings now. It doesn't matter if I'm home. Come to think of it, Mama wore earrings everyday. Hmmmm.

  5. Did you know there are patterns to knit and/or crochet pads for those mops? I've only been tempted to buy one of them after seeing those patterns. Maybe someday.

    On an episode of Good Eats, Alton Brown made a food dehydrator out of a box fan and some sort of filter, if memory serves. The allure of the "unitasker".

    1. Hmmm, I'm going to check out Alton Brown's dehydrator. Not that I need or want one (I'm happy with the stove) but we've an extra fan. Be fun to turn it into a dehydrator before it becomes garden art.

  6. What a great idea for a Thursday 13! I have loads of things I wish I'd never bought. We had a food dehydrator at one time and all it did was take up space. Same thing with a waffle iron.

    1. I keep thinking about buying an ice cream maker, but would it end up a disappointment?

  7. I love this!! You have a way with words, taking the mundane, and making it relatable and interesting.

  8. I can't believe all the shopping mistakes I've made over the years. I can never seem to forget them. Yours was a fun list

  9. Your list made me chuckle. Yep I think we all have those purchases.

    1. What's life without a bunch of shopping regrets, lol.

  10. My favorite things from this week were free: tomatoes.

  11. A great list of items, and I'm sure most of us have at some time bought things which turned out to be useless :)

    1. These days I look at the useless things and imagine them as garden art. hahaha

  12. Many moons ago a chiropodist suggested I get some orthotic insoles, which were probably as uncomfortable as your sandals. They too ended up in a cupboard for years . . . but I did have a fling with the chiropodist so it wasn't a complete loss!!! :D


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