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Breathing Deeply

I finally got around to sewing face masks, two for the Husband and two for me. I only had one oopsie. The photo shows a collage of mask #5.   :-)

I followed a pattern with straps, using bias tape to make the ties. The oopsie mask was made with elastic. Elastics elude me.  The elastic straps were like rubber bands. The mask flung forward each time the Husband or I put it on. The Great Elastic Escape. 

Molly the pinky-nosed (wild) Cat likes to nap on the love seat in front of the patio window these past weeks. When summer comes, she'll scarf her last bite of breakfast, jump off her table, and scamper out the patio door, to come back for lunch or to use her litter box.  And, sometimes she'll wander back in to check on her humans. Sweet girl, her.

Today I sat beside Missy, gazing out the window with her. I got to wondering how the world looks to her. Does she see the same thing that I see? 

Perhaps the world looks like this. More than likely Molly wonders if this is what I see. 

I hope you're all okey-dokey, hunky dory, holding on, and doing something fun. 
Today the Husband hooked his computer up to the radio so we've been listening to Beatles and good old stuff. This could mean me hanging out more in the office, maybe even writing more. Maybe.  

Thanks to Jesh for hosting All Seasons and to Angie, for Mosaic Monday. Big hugs, Blogging Friends. 


  1. Serendiptiously, today went with Hubs to the Korean store, and they went through this sequence! Hands being sanitized by a sprayer, and wiped with tissues. Then you were given a mask, then they gave pesky plastic gloves, which took me a few minutes to put on. Finally, now we could touch the sanitized cart to do groceries. I felt like an alien, in an even more alien world! I think am going to avoid this store, till the world is back to normal! At least you made the mask fun-looking!, haha! Did you just make them for fun, or do some stores where you shop require them? As always you are making this a creative event for All Seasons - thank you mucho, Susie. Have a lovely week!

    1. Wearing masks, ordered or not, is on the horizon. So, I figure it was time for me to have some on hand when needed. I tried mine for the first time this morning. It was uncomfortable but did the trick. I need to figure the best way to tie the mask to my face.

  2. Careful Susie, or you will be making masks for the whole of the blogging community! They look great! Take care Wren x

    1. hahaha. Thanks, Wren. My creations are made with crooked stitches and other joyful imperfections. Hmmm, for some reason writing that brought Pippi Longstocking to my mind.

  3. We are well, staying home and keeping ourselves occupied. My kitties are only indoors except when in our screened porch area which they love. Stay safe
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

    1. All's well is the kind of news I like to hear, Dawn. You and your fur loves enjoy yourselves. :-)

  4. Nice mask. You should see Etsy and all the masks one can buy there. There are pages and pages of them.

    There was a NOVA not too long ago about cats' brains. How cats behave, what they know, etc.

    1. I'll see if I can find the segment. Thanks for the heads up, Liz.

  5. I made mine with elastic but I didn't have any narrow and it wasn't available anywhere. It won't last through too many washings with one raw edge. Even without washing it is starting to ravel. Hopefully they will outlast their need. - Margy

  6. Su-sieeemac - love the first collage! It represents how I feel about life right now - a little crazy and seemingly out of balance! Glad you are finding some joy in the isolation. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

    1. Angie, you got it in a nutshell. A little crazy and out of balance, but that's me, nearly always. :-) Cheers, Angie!

  7. I haven't got into the mask making yet. Bit difficult sewing on my machine in a moonboot :) but I love the look of yours. Have a great week and thank you for visiting my blog this week.

    1. Should you ever do, Jill, I'm sure your masks will be amazingly creative and joyful. Take care.

  8. Very colourful mask. :) I'd expect nothing less. :) . . . all well here too. :)

    1. Why, thank you Madame! I say with a curtsy. Glad to hear all and everything on your island is well.

  9. Surprisingly, masks are no longer in short supply over here in my corner of the world!

    Love your diy masks! They are so much prettier to wear!

    1. That's good news, Veronica. We've only begun, I'm thinking. Take care.

  10. Hello, Your masks look great. I used the ponytail ties on the mask I made. Your kitty has beautiful views! Wishing you a happy day and healthy week!

    1. Thanks, Eileen. I tried ponytail ties with a non-sew mask. Same result. Won't stay looped over my years. I wonder what I'm doing wrong with elastics.

  11. Wow … that is an awesome job with the masks, complete with pleats. The world and the birds seem happier with us looking out windows instead of being everywhere outside.

    1. I'm hoping a lot of people are noticing how the world feels so much nicer without the pollution. :-)

  12. Hubby made us masks, he's the seamstress in the family. lol Did a good job too! Stay well.

    1. Good for the Hubby. I think that the Husband could be the better sewer of us, if he ever gave it a try. He has a precision to my good enough. lol


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