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Another 13 Thursday

1. Frost! I thought we were done with it.

2. Mama called the icy stuff snow. "There was lots of snow on Marie's roof," she'd say as I stumbled into the kitchen to fix breakfast. She'd be almost done with her big bowl of different cereals mixed together.

3. Now it's me or the Husband that opens the kitchen curtains on chilly mornings to see the icy roof next door. "Lots of snow."

4. Flutter, flutter, flutter. A whole lot of tiny birds flew out of the tree on our front yard. I watched them all fly as one up into the sky, circle about, then take off to the northeast.

5. Then I noticed the light of the rising sun. Wowza!

6. And, then I wondered why everything was drippy wet. I looked up at the roof next door. Frost!

7. For once I was wise and went back into the house to fetch a shawl. And, my camera. Of course. You never know when the fish may be out.


8. This afternoon I asked the Husband, "What kind of guy are you?" Said he, "The one who goes 'Wow!'" He knows himself well.

9. Yup. I asked him, "What kind of gal am I?" First, he said, "The one who says 'Let's Have Fun!'" I giggled and told him to think again. So, he said, "The one who's smart but doesn't want others to know it."

10. In fifth grade, I intentionally misspelled "squirrel" in a spelling bee.

11. Have you ever not seen the forest because of the trees? That's how I felt when I looked at the photo of my doodle sketch I did this afternoon.

12. I followed the suggestions and techniques that artist, author, and stencil designer Mary Beth Shaw presented in one of the online Sketchbook Revival Workshop sessions. First scribble, then fill in the sections with paint, doodles, glued paper, this and that, that and this, and so forth and so on. Oh what fun!

13. By the way, the fish were out in the front yard today.

Check out other bloggers' Thursday 13 here.


  1. I love that sun shining through the leaves! Pretty pretty plate with the fish.

    1. Thanks, Hazel. The plate is one of my first garden art pieces.

  2. Hello, your garden is pretty. I believe we can have frost through the middle of March here. I like your doodle and the cute fish. You are your hubby both sound like fun people! Stay safe, healthy and happy. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Hey Eileen! Thank you much. :-) You be sure to do the same.

  3. Squirrel is hard for 5th grader.

  4. I take my camera everywhere too. No icy snow here. I don't now if I could spell squirrel now.. I did buy always have trouble with restaurant and necessaily .

    1. Spelling and saying refrigerator give me trouble. So, it's ice box for me.

  5. LOL Snow on the roof? I was going through a gardening catalog they have fish statues mounted on poles that look like they are swimming through your leafy plants it is kind of a cool looking. I am envious of your flowers. We are still too cold to have a lot going on outside. But I did pull a few weeds this afternoon as I was awandering.

    1. Mama thought all icy matter as snow, which has me wondering if she ever visited a truly snowy place. I finally ordered seeds yesterday. I got half of what I wanted. Lots of out of stock. That's what I get for ordering later rather than sooner. :-)

  6. Did you just want to get out of the spelling bee? I used to think that way. I didn't want to get out too early, but I didn't want to win.

    1. Maybe if I had been chosen in the middle of the pack, better among the last ones, I probably would've made an effort. I do remember wishing I was still up there after a point.

  7. You didn’t want to be a winner, because you didn’t want kids to know you were smart! And the husband says you haven’t changed? But your readers have you figured out! .... I was very good in spelling and reading but couldn’t do arithmetic at all! And failed penmanship. Confounded the nuns their world, children were either smart or not smart...they had problems with gray areas. My mother spent a lot of time in conferences. .....

    1. hahahahaha. That was me, too, Sallie. Reading and spelling thumbs up, okay except for that bee. Whenever I was being bad, Daddy would start talking about Catholic school. That usually calmed me down..


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