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Another Mountain Scene

Usually my paintings and drawings end up being a wilderness landscape such as the scene I painted on the box, which I'll use as a planter in the backyard. The Husband noticed the running theme, too. He wondered if it's somewhere that I want to be. I certainly do. The Husband says he'd like to be there, too.

I backpacked a regular bit from my 20s to 40s. Desolation Wilderness in the Sierra Nevada, mostly. I rarely carried a camera on my trips because the beauty of the land did not translate in my photos. Now, look at me. The essence of what I experienced in the wilderness way back then is pouring out through paints, pastels, and pencils. Yippieee!

Off I go to All Seasons, a weekly meme hosted by Jesh at The Jesh Studio. Come chcck out the other participants with me.


  1. I have plain art box behind me, and never thought of painting on it.

    1. So, what do you think? Going to paint it, Dora? :-)

  2. Maybe not a back-pack, but perhaps a day-trip or two? . . . beautiful box. :)

  3. That's a fantastic painting from memory. Well done!

  4. Your creative mind took a plain box of utility and transformed it. Lovely!

    1. Thanks, Carol. You've given me another way of looking at what I did.

  5. You make me laugh, as usual, how you responded to your first friend, asking her what to paint:) I can see a big difference in your painting skill from a while ago - way to go, Susie, , you are really progressing in landscape painting (next to what you noticed as taking better photos!) My heartfelt thanks to share this journey with All Seasons, and have a fantastic week!.

    1. Cool, Jesh. I appreciate knowing that my artwork is evolving, thanks. I perceive colors and lighting differently these days. It's almost like everything is brighter. I wonder what life will be like after my cataract surgery, whenever that shall be.

  6. So often, while driving through wilderness type areas, I wished I could paint. The colors of the rocks did not come out in photographs, and I wished I could find a way to replicate them. I still can't paint, alas. Nice job on the planter.

    1. I didn't think I could paint or draw. Look where I am now. Thanks, Liz. I painted a pair of old shoes to place beneath the planter.

  7. It’s a perfect reminder of a place and time that you loved ...and hold in your heart! Then you hiked, now you do art. I used to hike more and I wish I could do art now.

    1. I think you can do art, Sallie. We weren't encouraged enough when we were children. The Husband has helped me get out of the mindset that art must look a certain way. .

  8. Wonderful painted box! Fun to see this.

  9. You certainly are a creative ingenious person!

    1. Grazie! I'll try not to let that go to my head. :-)


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