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Say Cheese: Apple Blossom Dearie

Hi'ya, dear friends! Big hugs to all. I thought I'd be back sooner on the blog, but you know how it goes with summer distractions. I'll write about more of them mañana.

One distraction has been a local photography exhibition. A week or so before our party (the day after the Solstice), I got an email saying my three submissions were accepted and I would need to deliver them matted, framed, and ready to hang on what turned out to be the day after our party. All good, because that distracted me from getting too anxious about prepping for the party (including cleaning house and yard), as well as the party stuff sidetracked me from becoming nervous about preparing the photos for display.

The photo above of an apple blossom is one that's on display in the exhibit. I took the picture in the backyard on a late Spring afternoon, then played around with Photoshop filters to get the final effect.

Getting the photos ready for display took a village. A local business services shop printed the photos for me. I found frames at a thrift shop. Good friend Jen painted the frames for me the morning after our party, and the Husband helped me put wire on the frames and get me down to the gallery minutes before the deadline. Thank you, thank you!

This adventure is still not done. This Friday evening is the public reception and I must bring an appetizer to the party. I'm thinking some kind of cream cheese concoction on fresh apricots based on a dried apricot appetizer recipe that good friend Missus H emailed me. I don't know where I'd be without a village of great folks supporting me.

Last Saturday, the Husband and I got a sneak peak of the exhibition while it was still in the making. I was certainly thrilled to see my photos on the wall hanging with the professional photographers.

By the way, my theme is faces in flowers.  Hee, hee.

I'm linking up with ABC Wednesday, which starts its 25th round today, and with Say Cheese!, hosted by the witty Jeanna of Ched Curtain. Thank you, hosts!

Going to be in or around Hollister this Friday evening? Drop by and say hello, please. :-)


  1. Wow. Congrats. Sounds like it'll be a lot of fun.

    1. Thanks, Liz. Now my question is: What shall I wear?

  2. Beautiful photographs. I hope you win.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    1. Thanks, Sandee. This one isn't a competition, for which I'm glad.

  3. Thrift stores are pretty good places to look for frames.
    Coffee is on

    1. The Husband was with me and we found the perfect frame for a poster he recently won from a radio station.

  4. How wonderful! I'm so happy for you and very glad you shared your news and a peek at your photos! WOW! They are amazing...especially love the first one! You have such an eye for everything artistic! Sweet hugs, Diane

    1. Thanks, Diane! Your sweet hugs feel wonderful. :-)

  5. Congrats on your photos being accepted! This is great news and I’m glad everything went well with your dinner party. I can see the faces in all 3 and the last one looks funny with a laugh and the tongue, at least that’s what I see.

    1. Merci beaucoup, Birgit! The party was a blast and our house is still neat! Maybe a party a year is all we need to have a clean house.

  6. How exciting! I'm happy for you as well. Very well done! The photos are lovely.

  7. Gorgeous photos! It must be wonderful to see your photos on the wall hanging with the professional photographers. Congrats!

    1. Thanks, Veronica. Yup, it was certainly a kick to see them up there. I'm looking forward to seeing the final display of the exhibition. I'll most likely take a photo of that for my memory book.

  8. Very nice photos!
    You are very talented,

    Thank you for visiting!
    Hugs from the Netherlands!

  9. Beautiful blooms. Boy, I remember the days of framing my pieces, scouring the shops for frames.

    1. Thanks, Sharon. :-) This was the first time I framed photos. Thank goodness for Google to show me how.

  10. Ooh, you had a party, I've been preoccupied but I'll catch up. That's so exciting about your photo display, I don't know where I'd get anything ready to exhibit. I remember having some kind of hot wax and a roller to mount photos but no idea where to get access to that these days.
    I see one of the Lollipop Kids in your bottom photo, all of which are lovely.
    Thank you for stopping by, it happened so suddenly. Thanks for the shout out and kisses to the kitty.

    1. Hey Jeanna! I'm behind, too. That's okay. The reception for the photo exhibition was a lot of fun. My first, maybe my last. You might say it was on my bucket list if I had a bucket list. I wonder if I want to create a bucket list. Doing an open mic would be one thing. What I would do? Don't know yet.

  11. Well, you've been a regular at ABCW for a while! Congrats!

    1. Thanks, Roger, for saying that, especially since I haven't been so regular the last 3 rounds. Cheers to you!

  12. I can see faces in the last two, but not in the top one . . . . must enlarge and squint! :) . . . good luck. I hope you have a blast . . . and photos please, if you have a moment or three. :)

    1. The top one is a toughie. Others have told me the same thing. You really need to see it straight on. I like to think that the face in the flower is undercover as a flower and she's doing a very good job.

  13. Congratulations and wow! What lovely photos you have taken! Your talent is a blessing to me today!

  14. Congratulations on your exhibits. How exciting for you but they are beautiful pictures and deserve to be exhibited.

    dropping by from the ABCWed linkup


  15. Lovely apple blossom, well done on having your photos accepted.

  16. That's so exciting - congratulations on being in a Fine Art Photography Exhibition! ! I hope you had fun at the public reception as well, and you found something creative to wear - like a big floral frock?!
    What fun :)
    Wren x


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