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Another Random 13

1. The outdoor work table is set up for the summer. Whooo-hooo!

2. I wore a bra all day yesterday because I had planned to work in the front yard (which didn't happen). Must not scare the citizens, you know. So different from the days of youth when I thought nothing of wearing nothing beneath a cotton ribbed tank top.

3. Flower seeds in my bra! I have no idea how long they've been wandering within that space between the cups' lace and backing. I can't get them out without cutting the lace, and that I'm not going to do until I buy another bra. The flat seeds look familiar, which I'm sure are of flowers I've grown, but what kind of flower eludes me. How did the seeds get in my bra? Probably when it got washed with a pair of shorts which pockets I didn't search.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.  I enjoy slapping paint on wood. These pieces of redwood were once part of a wooden barrel that I broke apart earlier this year. They'll look good in the yard somewhere. I wonder if there's a category I could enter them at the county fair.

9. My Medicare Advantage plan ok'd the doctor's request for me to see an ophthalmologist about that smudge of a cataract in my left lens. Gulp. Now to be brave and make an appointment.

10. It has been 14 months or so that I've been volunteering on Mondays to catalogue photos and artifacts at the local historical museum. I learn as I go about how to catalogue as well as of the local history. Last month, two of us neophytes created our first display, a bit of history about the upcoming San Benito County Saddle Horse Show & Rodeo.

11. Last night, aound 10:30 p.m., Molly sauntered into the office, stopped at my table, and seemed to ask, "When are you coming down?" After I print this card, I told her. Fifteen minutes later, I sat next to the Husband on whose lap Molly was lounging. She paid me no mind.

12. The Husband and I got the rear view mirror to stay in place using glue, duct tape, and string. Ha!

13. Several months ago, the Husband agreed that yes, let's put up a memory wall. Two weeks ago, t'was done with a bunch of push pins, freezer paper, and construction paper. Now, to find all the stuff I thought ought to go up there.

I'm getting back (kind of) into the swing of blogging again. So, it being Thursday, I like to check in at these fun memes: Thursday 13 and LA Paylor's I Like Thursdays.


  1. I can now imagine daisies pushing up in your push up bra. I like the idea of a wall, and good luck overcoming the fears of cataract surgery. Love, leeAnna

    1. One of these the name of the flower seed will come to me. I'm taking the Husband's suggestion to plant the bra and see what happens. lol

  2. As someone who is "well endowed", I can't remember a time when I could ever go without a bra. Well, maybe at 10, before they grew.

    1. I don't think of myself as big until I run. flop, flop, hahaha. Can't help it.

  3. I like the idea of a memory wall. Especially as I age and forget a lot!

    1. Thanks for the reminder. I'll reserve a space on the wall for us to put our Post-It notes to ourselves. :-).

  4. I like those painted panels! Impressed with that rear view mirror. Wow! LOL Memory wall looks interesting.

    1. Thanks, PaintedThread. We haven't tried out the mirror yet. haha

  5. You are such an artist! #4, 5, 6, 7, 8 is almost a cheat but ingenious and you have the poetic license. Love those chairs.

  6. Neat idea with the redwood from the barrels! I love your outdoor table, that chair is wonderful! I love the idea of flower seeds anywhere......::D Have a great day!

  7. I've never been to a rodeo

  8. Bra in the front yard-me too. Pj's in the back. Molly is funny. LOL on the rear view mirror.

  9. Another gorgeous list. :) . . . good luck with the ophthalmologist appointment. Soonest done, soonest over. :)

    1. The insurance company also ok'd the request for me to see the skin doctor. Whooo-hooo!

  10. Funny anecdotal post! Really Like the novel ideas of yours.. Seeds in the bra LOL!

    1. I wonder how long those seeds have been in the bra. lol

  11. Sorry I haven't been around lately but the new email system on this new-to-me computer doesn't give me notifications of anyone's new blog posts so I've missed a lot over the last few weeks. I love the first photo, it's very bright and colourful and the seeds in your bra sound like they would be very itchy. I was also going to suggest planting it to see what grows :)

    1. Eunice, you have nothing to apologize about. I wasn't around much, if any, I can't recall in April and May. The seeds are in the top part of the bra so no itching from them, thank goodness.

  12. Replies
    1. I worked a little more on it today. I got the Husband to slap cut-out flowers on the high part of the wall.

  13. A great spot for working outside.

    1. I love watching the sun play in the yard while I'm there.

  14. Hi you, interesting. I've found mosquitoes in my bra but never a seed. I had breast reduction surgery 10 years ago and love that technically now I can go braless...freedom!
    You are keeping busy and I would love that museum time too. You and hubby seem like such a good team!

    1. Mosquitoes, yuck. I'll take seeds over them any day. :-)

  15. The memory wall looks neat! You'll have lots of fun with that! I always like to see what art you are working on...or playing with. I'm still doing a little art every day. Feels so great! Enjoy your afternoon! Happy underwear wearing day! hahaha!

  16. It’s been a crazy birthday month for me and blogging got away from me. Love the painted wood pieces and great way to fiddle and enjoy painting. I can’t wait to see your memory board

    1. Hi Birgit! Same here. We've been busy getting everything in place for our party this Saturday.

  17. I cracked up at the I wore a bra yesterday. It's all I can do to put on underwear these days. And that is a fantastic book title.

    1. "I Wore a Bra All Day Yesterday"...a cozy mystery, a humorous tale ala Pride & Prejudice, a cookbook memoir???

  18. I love love love #1. I just got 4 wood dining room chairs for free Friday and I want to paint them similar to yours. I’m doing garden chairs, pot of some sort in the seat.
    #2 I only wear bras when I leave the house or someone is coming over. When I had shoulder surgery 15 years ago I got a free pass. No bra wearing until it was healed. I wore a tank top or tee shirt under whatever shirt I was wearing so I could kinda keep the girls under control. Lol!


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