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The header illustrates, in my mind, what my world was like when I was a small kid. We lived several miles out of town, one of four houses behind a country store, nearly surrounded by fields and orchards which I explored. I've become aware that our front and back yards may be reflecting my long-ago playground.

Here are two views of the lower half of what was the former lawn. It's been over two years since we pulled out the lawn. We don't miss it at all. The daisy bushes have exploded all over the yard. Pow! Pow! Pow! I like the volunteer wild grass that has grown in a pathway. In May, or April, I'll pull it out. Soon, poppies will start showing their orange selves.

And, here's part of the backyard that looks like it belongs in a storybook. So I thought when I saw the photo. This spot gets nice shade in the afternoon. If we set a little round table there, we can sit and eat snacks or play at being an artist. Of maybe, instead, we can put a sofa there so we can take a snooze. Molly, no doubt would like either one.

Speaking of Molly, here's a photo of the Girl from Sunday morning. She patiently waited for me to go inside and get her breakfast. She did her best to shepherd me without walking in all the mud and wetness.


Red rose.



The first of each flower bloomed during the last several days. Whooo-hooo! Here's how they looked yesterday.

Notice the drops of water on the flowers. We've been having a lovely rain, the sort that reminds me of a Shirley Temple scene in which, wearing rain gear, an 8 or 9 year old Shirley hops and struts as she sings in the rain.

After writing that, I looked for the video. Here it is. 

Bright colors are also finding their way into the house. On Saturday night, I finished the upstairs hallway curtains which was on my December to-do list. Only three months, which is pretty good for me.

I love the colors. While sewing the strips of fabric together, I was thinking how much I'd like a muumuu in those colors. Maybe I should simply wear the curtain.

Today's memes are Jesh's All Seasons and Angie's Mosaic Monday. Please give them a visit.  Thank you, Ladies!


  1. Lovely Shirley Temple... it’s always a pleasure to see the old films.
    Happy MosaicMonday!

    1. We certainly were fortunate to have a Shirley Temple brighten our lives. :-)

  2. Your first shot of the daisies and chair is a masterpiece. Enjoy your coloured world!

  3. Lovely gardens! I found that lawn is overrated as well. We have known in the backyard and some grass paths in the front. Happy Monday!

  4. I love your magical garden and all the pretty flowers...and your curtain of course! We all need bright colors to cheer us up. I don't remember this Shirley song, so I'll enjoy it too! Have a fun week....I KNOW you will! Hugs, Diane

  5. I love the greens juxtaposed against the bright colors of the flowers. Your yards looks awesome.

  6. Hello, I would love to have all the lovely flowers in my yard. A field of flowers is much prettier//colorful than just grass. I like your curtains too, I love colors. Lovely post and photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your day! Wishing you a great new week ahead!

  7. I love your Garden that everyone can enjoy and, as it is snowing here, your pics of your beautiful flowers are perfect for me to see. I bet they smell divine. So glad you bring the outside in with your colourful curtains

    1. Hi, Birgit. I thought I responded to your comment. One of those glitches in my mind. The freesia have a wonderful scent. If we get a whole lot this season, I might cut some and bring them inside.

  8. Love these cheerful flowers - oh, am envious - when we lived in Southern California, we made a special trip to see the poppies in Mid of the state You crack me up, Salie - if you like to wear a curtain, just do it - since it has a similar look!
    With this, I remember my fashionable middle daughter trying to prevent me of buying what she called a moo mo. When she was gone, I bought it anyway, because I just wanted to be comfortable in the summer heat here. Thank you for spreading your brightness around here at All Seasons and wishing you many accomplishments this week!

  9. Do you have any leftover fabric? You should make a muumuu out of it.

    1. A little bit of the orange and blue fabric. I like both patterns and bold colors, so I'll probably work them into something I can wear.

  10. I almost forgot Temple was a Republican, ugh.

    1. I wonder what she would've thought of the fake president.

  11. What a ton of smiles here! Love seeing Shirley Temple and shoot, was his name Bill Robinson? I think so .you must have watched her on video or TV like I did. (Even I am not old enough to have seen her first run movies..). it’s cool to know You Tube is keeping her alive. .... Your yard is wonderful in its natural state .... id vote for the sofa near those flowers .... and keep those bright colors coming .

    1. When I was a kid, Shirley's movies were usually on Sunday mornings. I always thought Mama named the late dear baby sister after the actress. I'm grateful it wasn't me.

  12. Shirley was such an amazing performer. Those moves look so simple, but she had to be on her mark, on time, co-ordinate with props, and the other dancer. Not easy things for even adults to accomplish. :) How amazing she was. :)
    I love your yard. :)

    1. Shirley certainly was amazing. If my memory is correct, I read that she was a natural. She could copy steps nearly right away.

  13. Such a colorful place, we love your pretty flowers!

  14. ...a nice look back, something that I enjoy to do. I need to focus on looking forward or I'll trip and break something.

    1. Lately I find myself looking backwards when I'm thinking about what to write.

  15. Some lovely places for inspiration for your book! You have quite an imagination and I'm so jealous!!

    1. Thank you Betty. I'm sure your imagination is as wonderful.

  16. Oh my dear! Your world is always full of brightly colored pages, just like a storybook! I know I would enjoy a snooze on the couch in your garden. I am very jealous of your new-blooming flowers …. we woke to a temperature of minus 20 this morning! So glad to have you at Mosaic Monday, as always! Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks, Angie. Molly and I stuck our heads out the door an hour ago and were surprised at the cold. Probably the last chill of the season.

  17. Your garden is perfect for sitting and enjoying a quiet time. Fluffy Molly has been patient - give her a hug for me.

  18. I'd love to walk in the rain, oh ahh ahh (is it wrong I'm worried that she'll slip and fall on the slick sound stage?), tap tap tap, sipping hot chocolate and ordering Easter string lights, ta da ta, hummmm...where was I, yes, great cheery flowers all of them. Larkspur is a great name for a flower, a short story, a bike or a band.
    Simply wear the curtain, haaa. I knew this girl when I was still haunting campus who would literally grab something out of the trash on the sidewalk and look like she could walk a run way.
    I think Molly wants something padded with an awning, please.
    Yes, I think you've hit on something, are we all forever recreating our happiest childhood moments. I consciously did that with a campus loft apartment and everyone thought I was mad, mad, mad. I love your yard, it does look like a wonderland (I said wonder not never).

    1. Wrong, of course not. It's funny, I'm okay about walking in the rain. I tend to fall on dry cement, so there's when I worry. Especially now since getting up would be a 5-star laugh.
      I think the curtains would look good as palazzo pants. Those I can actually pull off, at least in my head. They are so comfortable. I don't want to spoil Molly. Besides, she has her choice from lots of trees to find shade.
      A loft apartment. I used to think about having one of those, especially in a once-was warehouse or industrial building. If I were to recreate my favorite childhood memory indoors, I'd make the walls look like green grass and tree bark. The Husband doesn't care what I do with the decor as long as he doesn't have to decide. So he says.
      A wonderland, you say? Cool.

    2. I've had a few loft apartments, I'm living in one now. The one I decorated like Eloise's room at the Plaza was once storage for the railroad where some Irish relatives worked. It was very close to where my dad's family lived and he ran around as a kid filling up buckets of beer for the elders and they listened to the Cubs (blowing a raspberry) play.

    3. Eloise's room, I can just imagine, Jeanna. By the way, I got it wrong, the the spikey purple flowers are not larkspur. They're lupine, cousin to some kind of Texas blue flower.

  19. I LOVE the pink daisies. My daffodils are ready to pop. After that it's a free-for-all.

    1. Hurrah for daffodils. I finally saw a whole line of them the other day.


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