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Carpe Diem

Hey ya, Hi ya! How ya?

It has been awhile, two weeks awhile more or less. I like to think that in a parallel universe, the Husband and I were away on holiday, because in my reality I was simply being out of sorts. The first week I was feeling bummed as I was doing another round of sorting through Mama's stuff. Along the way I caught a virus and nursing that into a short run distracted me. The Husband and Molly the Cat were wonderful caretakers to this grump of a patient.

So, here I am, raring to go, again.

We've had rain for nearly all of this past week.  Hurrah! All the different birds in the backyard enjoyed the rain, too. Chirp, chirp.

Molly the Cat wants you to know she is raring to go, too. For her, it is outdoors. A (cute) black cat has invaded her territory.

Where am I hanging out this time? At Jesh's All Seasons, Angie's Mosaic Monday, and Jeana's Say Cheese! I hope you check out their memes, possibly join in. Thank you, Ladies!


  1. Hello, I love all your garden birds. Molly is a cutie too. I am glad you are feeling better.
    Wishing you a great day and a happy new week ahead!

  2. Glad you’re back to feeling like yourself ... that kind of sorting job is soooo hard! I know ... and am old enough now to think about doing something about not leaving that job for anyone else. But not old enough (I hope) to actually DO much about it. I imagine that’s what happens to everybody. Your garden birds are great and Molly has a neighbor cat to keep an eye on! We have feral black cats here in our RV resort. The kittens are so cute, but so wild. All of them mom and the littles, are surprisingly well fed looking for feral....I suspect several saucers of food are left outside of several RVs.

    1. Thanks, Sallie. The Husband said that the little black cat had on a collar, but it looked more like someone put a plastic tie around its neck. I know there are people on the street behind us that put out food for strays, so wondered if this is how the cat looks well-fed. It was watching birds in the yard in a way that it may be a mighty hunter. If it is a stray and Molly doesn't mind, I wouldn't mind it adopting us.

  3. Hope you are feeling better. Have a nice week!

    1. Thanks. On day 9, I'm down to sniffles. Also doing a lot more stuff. : :-)

  4. Always tough to go through things that your mom kept...I feel bad for you but I know there were tears and laughter plus smiles as you went through this. Love these great!

    1. Thanks, Birgit. We're also going through the Husband's parents' stuff. I'm finding that when I'm too overwhelmed with sorting through Mama's, I move over to helping the Husband.

  5. I'm glad the all better showed up and Molly looks pretty darn cute!

    1. Me, too Brian. I love these photos of Molly the Protector.

  6. I'm glad you're feeling better and that everyone is raring to go!

  7. My mom's cat Danny went nuts over a black cat, but I think he wanted to be its friend.

    1. Danny is a sociable cat. Molly is far better with accepting new humans in her territory than cats.

  8. Yeah, it's been some rain, hasn't it? I hope you're fully healed now. Being sick sucks.

    1. Almost completely there, Liz. Hurrah. More rain on the way. Another Hurrah.

  9. There you are :) . . . good to hear you're on the mend. :)

    1. I went out into the world, beyond the front door, last Saturday after a week of staying indoors. It felt good being out.

  10. Glad you're back and feeling more like your amusing, entertaining self! I don't look forward to the day that we have to sort through my Mom's things, so I can only begin to imagine the emotions you must have been experiencing. I adore your birdie mosaic, especially the peacock. Stunning! Thanks for taking the time to link up to Mosaic Monday - much appreciated!

    1. We're coming on 3 years since Mama's Spirit moved forward into the Grand Wonder of Wonder. I am almost ready to handle the rest of her closet.
      If it weren't for your linky party, Angie, I doubt I would've actually created mosaics. I'm better at thinking about things I want to try than the execution of them.

  11. I had a virus most of December and it's no fun at all! I'm glad you're feeling better. Molly the cat is her cute self and I love all the birdies from the garden.

    1. Thanks, Carol. That was a tough virus you had, my gosh! I'm fortunate that it was a weaker bug that caught me. Molly says, Purrrrrrrrrrr.

  12. that's a bird collection!

  13. Glad to hear you are feeling better and that you had good caregivers!

  14. Your mosaic of birds is amusing. I’m happy for you that you have nice caregivers like your husband and Molly. Flu outbreak spread Japan at an alarming speed and rate. I’m safe…so far. Take care.


    1. Thank you, Yoko. I'm fortunate that I was able to stay home all week and not spread the virus to anyone else, as well as to get the rest to knick it in the bud.

  15. Hope you feel better soon. Our house is sick too!

    1. Still a bit congested but that's okay. I'm glad the icky part is way behind me.

  16. So Molly side eyed Mr. Peanut then dismissed him as being beneath her, hahaha..
    I've had some kind of sinus, cough, headachey thing too, Susie. It just takes it out of you. I'm glad you were fed fur balls and chicken soup or some kind of bird cuz psssttt, those birdies aren't real. And is one a dragon?
    We've had rain, snow, sleet, hail, more snow and more snow and more...the worst part is my mother's new caretaker freaks out every time it snows even though she lives a few miles away. That's like freaking out every time Trump lies or says something stupid.
    I don't know if Molly likes to be picked up and kissed cuz many kitties do not, but give her a scritch or a treat or something for me, I can not take how cute she is. She might be wondering why you filled a perfectly good empty drawer (very cool btw) when she could be sitting in it.

    1. Molly says purrrrrrrrrr, Jeana. She got an extra tickle beneath her chin from you. It takes awhile for Molly to warm up to a new human in her territory, but once in a while she'll rub herself against a human. Lucky humans are they.
      At first I thought it was the blue metal peacock at the bottom that looks like a dragon, but then I thought the hen at the top looks like a dragon. Before I knew it all looked like dragons. Didn't birds evolve from the flying dinosaur?
      My freaking out is currently replaced with rolling eyes and annoyance.

    2. It's the middle, top, blue and white dragony one. I think both dinosaurs and birds are hatched but there is only one Mother of Dragons.
      Don't roll your eyes too much they might stick that way.
      Purrrr, Molly.

  17. Oh wow! ~ wonderful post and photos ~ love the beautiful cat and sky photo and collage photos! ~ all very creatively captured ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. Thanks, Carol. The top photo was cropped and enlarged until I got what I wanted. As I wrote that, I understand a bit more about the Ansel Adams quote about making, not taking, a photo. :-)


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