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Off to the Fair

On Wednesday afternoon, the Husband and I loaded the back seat with flowers for the dry and fresh floral arrangements I've entered into the county fair. There was also stuff in the trunk. I tend to be over ambitious. LOL

We're about to head off to the San Benito County Fair. I hope someone is selling corn dogs.

I'll show off my entries on Sunday. See ya.


  1. I hope you had a wonderful time, won first prize, and ate massive amounts of junk food! :D

    1. We did. I won ribbons on all by entries from honorable mention to first. Score! lol Hot dogs, chips with the most amazing garlic sauce, Sprite, and peach cobbler.

  2. Purple gladiolas are peeking from behind the seat. They're gorgeous!

  3. Wow! Congratulations on your ribbons ~ and fun time at the fair!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores

  4. Watch out for those corn dogs. They're huge!

    1. We didn't walk far enough to find the corn dogs. We did find peach cobbler. Yummm.


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