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A Missed Call

A ne'er-do-well left a message on our phone (land, if you must know) saying he is from the IRS and if we do not respond to his call within 10 minutes, a warrant for our arrest will be issued. The call was left about an hour ago.

The voice left his message in a very brusque, rough tumbling threatening manner, so I can see how the gullible may believe he was from the IRS and sadly give the scammer money.

After we erased the message, the Husband and I thought about reporting the call to the police or the IRS. The voice had left a number to call back, so it's possible an investigator might check. Who knows?

Next time.


  1. I do a google search on those numbers and leave comments on the websites that collate them so that others know. The more people do this the higher the site ranking is and the more people, maybe, will, see it.

  2. They hit Daisy with that, scared the shit out of her honestly.

    1. Even though I knew I was listening to a scammer, I felt intimidated at one point, thinking, yeah, the feds are going to be knocking down our door very soon.

  3. If you report it, they'll probably have to get a new phone number. Nusiance for them. Which is a good thing. So many scams out there. You wonder why they do it. It must make them some money somehow.

    1. I wondered if they got rid of a phone number after they talked with someone or left a message.

      The money definitely. I also think it's the thrill of seeing how long they can do something they know is wrong. Doesn't this sound like that thug in the White House?

  4. wowzer! The news runs regular stories here - trying to alert people to the scam . . . I'm sure glad you knew it was bogus. I sure like your phone art . . .

    1. Thanks, G. Now that we've entered the scammers' preferred market of older people, we'll get a lot more.

  5. I've gotten that call many times... how ridiculous. What a nuisance.

  6. Last year, we had a big problem with these scammers and some fell for it. Yes, I would report it because the more info they get the more they can find out where it’s coming from.

    1. I can't stand that many scammers aim for older people. I'd get so furious when the Mama would tell me about their calls. She took to hanging up on them. Good for her.

  7. This is a total scam! And I am pretty sure the FBI knows about it!

  8. I always worry about the elderly, who might be taken in by such a call … their techniques can be so effective!

    1. Now that we're almost the elderly, we can give the scammers what for. They won't know what happened.

  9. That's an old one, scared the shite out of my mother. I think Ag Trade is the place to report but not sure. Wouldn't it be fun to catch a scammer though? Seems a bit out of the season but I guess screwing people is always in season.

    1. The Nancy Drew in me would love to catch a scammer, you betcha.

  10. Oh, love the art, watercolor? Looks so bold and confident. I want to sit next to that painting at a party.

    1. Thanks, I did this a few years back. I don't remember if I started as a sketch then used Photoshop art filters or did it all in Photoshop.


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