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The Couple That Works Together

The Husband and I finished and installed a fun project on Friday. Some of you may remember I talked about the work-in-progress fence project last Sunday.

Amazingly it only took us six days from creating the first fence panel to the installation of seven panels weaved with branches from the backyard trees. That's a short time, considering who we are. It was lots of fun working with the Husband on it. He agreed.

We love the final result. We don't know about the neighbors, who I hope simply think of us as those old hippies doing their thing. Hmmm. Maybe that's not a good idea. The Daddy warned me not to end up being a hippie, which to this day I have no idea what he considered made up a hippie. I can only hope I did not disappoint him. lol

This morning the Husband showed me how to tie Boy Scout knots. One knot reminded me of the stitch the Mama taught me for hemming. Another knot had me thinking of knitting, and still another of crochet. I didn't do so well remembering the looping sequences he showed me but whatever I did worked. "That's what counts," said he.

"I have our next fun project," I said. "You have to say 'yes' without knowing what it is."

"I won't agree with anything when I don't know what it is."

"Do you have faith in me that you'll like doing the project."

Begrudgingly the Husband said, "All right."

Holding up the stick on which I was practicing knots, I said, "Wind chimes made with keys."

The Husband smiled a thumbs up.

By the way we discovered our theme song today, which marks our 22nd trip together around the sun as a married couple. Whooo-hooo!  "Together (Wherever We Go)" sung by the snazzy, snappy, sophisticated Eydie Gorme and Steve Lawrence.

Time for All Seasons, a weekly meme hosted by Jesh of The Jesh Studio. Click here to check out Jesh. For the participants list, click here. Thanks, Jesh!

Until later, Miei amici. :-)


  1. All sorts of projects going. Looks like fun.

    1. We also have a paint-the-gourds project. I'm working on county fair entries this week, but I'd rather toss them aside and start on the key chimes.

  2. Every thing for me is work in project. It's creative and beautiful fence.
    Coffee is on

  3. Shared projects and experiences are the best

    1. They certainly are, Jill. I wonder what took us so long to do arts & crafts together. :-)

  4. Awwww..... I love every bit of this. The fence is cool, the windchimes will be great. Happy Anniversary and many more. (My former Boy Scout husband has tried to teach me knots to tie the boat to the dock; can't quite master them, but if the boat doesn't float away then it works good enough for me!)

    1. I'm with you, Sallie. " works good enough for me!" I think my knotting flummoxed the Husband. "I don't know what you did," he said. I didn't either. hahaha.

  5. I love the hippie you:)

  6. Ehhh, Paisan. Congratulazioni! to you both. I think the fence turned out fine and is more creative than hippie. I guess one could stretch it and call it Hippie Art which might not be such a bad thing. I use the word, "hippe" to describe my fluff brained neighbor who has decided to turn the apartment's front lawn and parking lot into a playground. Bounce, bounce, bounce goes the ball for hours right in front of my porch I am losing my mind bounce, bounce, bounce. What was I saying? Oh yes, keys, have you tested out how they sound?

    1. Bounce, bounce, bounce, I know the sound. I wonder if we'll ever hear it again. Mostly old people and babies living on our street.

      We haven't tested how charming the keys would sound. We ought to. Wouldn't want to keep the baby awake next door.

      Glad you like the fence. : We received our first in-person compliment yesterday. :-)

  7. I've got quite a collection of odd bits of metal that I've thought about using to make a wind-chime . . . I am now inspired! I love the fence! If you are now a hippy, then so be it. :)

    1. So be it, it is. lol We haven't worked on them yet. The Husband is gladly giving me space to work on my fair entries. We're thinking of either using dental floss or fish line (probably the latter if we can find it) to hang them.

  8. This fence is so … you guys! I think it's wonderful that you used natural resources rather than put up some cheap-o plastic thing. And teamwork - well done! Congratulations on your 22nd trip round the sun, as a couple!

    1. Thanks, Angie. The Mama trained the Husband and me well about keeping some branches we prune. I laughed the first time I heard the Husband say this branch would be sturdy for something. I'm amazed that we're almost out of branches. That's okay. Our stash will grow again in a couple of months.


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