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First-Time Experience

This morning I was trapped in bed between Molly the Cat and The Husband, both sound asleep. Smiles on their faces. Dreams in their hearts. Musical notes danced from their noses.

I wanted to get up.

That Girl woke me up when she jumped and thumped onto the bed. After doing her settling-in kneading and drooling on the sheet (TMI?), she curled into a snug ball and pressed herself firmly against my side. So much for personal space.

Later. I really wanted to get up.

Still against my side, now upside down, Molly was stretched from around my shoulder to nearly my knee. She laid partway on her back and partway on her side in that twisted way of cats. Her bottom half was on her back with her feet turned away from me and her tummy wide open for the universe to see. (They are so cute, Molly's feet are.) Her front half was on her side, facing towards me with her arms stretched way far. (That cute little nose.) How could I interrupt such a pose from sleep?

With luck, I thought, the Husband would soon need to go to the bathroom.


  1. My dog would never sleep in bed, but it was hard to keep her asleep if we were up near her. Her doggie DNA would be always on guard to keep an eye on things as we made the floorboards creek.

    1. Another difference between dogs and cats, I suppose. Molly's alert to make sure she doesn't get into trouble.

  2. And no creature was passing gas? That is a special time.

  3. At a certain point, I would skootch the cats. I'm sure they've been in your way before. Consider it payback ;)

    1. The Husband told me I'm bigger than Molly and could've easily moved her. So he said. lol

  4. In the battle between the bladder and the Cat, the Cat almost always wins. :)

    1. She was in so deep a sleep that my usual fidgety movements (okay some a bit more pronounced) didn't nudge her awake. lol

  5. This is why we don't let our cats in the bedroom any more.


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