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I suspect that I may not ever have been spontaneous.  I've done the all-of-a-sudden turn onto an unfamiliar road to see what's there and where it takes me. I've walked into a salon on a whim and got my hair cut or permed. I've suddenly decided to go somewhere, generally never far.

But never ever have I been truly spontaneous. Don't ask me what that is? I don't know because I haven't done it.

When I was a teenager I thought about running away. Mainly, I contemplated what to stuff into my knapsack. Should I bring a change of clothing? Change of underwear at least. My notebook, of course. Should I bring a pencil and a pen? Two pens, maybe several. Food to get me to my next destination. Money, which would probably be $20, if even that. Do I want by guitar? What I never thought about was where to go. I didn't want to run away, did I?

Today, the Husband and I are in Oakland hanging out with his college buddies. (Yesterday was when I wrote this.) Will we have taken BART, the Bay Area Rapid Transit, or driven all the way?

It's about a two-hour trip. Nothing of a drive, if only a few cars on the freeway. We would still need to drive an hour to a BART station, but the second hour would be sitting comfortably, so I think, on the train rather than cursing drivers around us. Cost-wise, it would be cheaper to park in a garage in Oakland than to pay the BART parking lot fee and two round-trip tickets. The air quality is horrible because of the fires, so driving as little as possible would be a good thing.

Yesterday afternoon, I didn't know which would be the best way to get up to Oakland. Neither did The Husband. All we decided was that we want a full tank of gas and the correct bill denominations so we can easily and quickly feed BART machines with money.

How to go? We decided today. That I suppose is being spontaneous. Kind of.


  1. Some people thrive on the unknown. The rest of us like a bit of a plan in place. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Roll with the punches when surprises occur, as they undoubtedly will. But start off without somewhat of a plan in place? No, thank you.

    1. I love it when a plan springs into action before I even knew I have one.

  2. The only way i'm spontaneous is when Bill does all the planning and I go along for the ride. i don't think that counts!

    1. You were spontaneous when you said yes, I will come. :-)

  3. I hate driving long distance, esep. to a big city

    1. I used to love to drive. The Husband, too, especially long distances. No more. Just driving two miles into town is a hassle many times. Aw, growing older.

  4. I strongly suspect your first paragraph is the definition of spontaneous. :) ... and if not these sorts of things, then what? :)

    1. Ahhhhhh, the possibilities. How many? So many? Not too many? These days I find it fun considering the possibilities that I feel less than usual anxious when it comes to the decision.

  5. Oh, this is an easy one. I am NOT spontaneous and never have been; pretty sure I will never be. I like to have a plan and I do not respond well (can you say CRANKY) when things are changed on me, especially at the last minute … I admire people who are adaptable and I regularly tell myself I should work on it. Too old to teach a dog new tricks?

    1. Never too old, Angie. I think you're spontaneous for digging up roots and moving to Montana in your retired years. I remember when my friend's parents moved into another state when they retired in their 60s and thought how brave of them to take another jump into the unknown. The Husband and I are here now. It's a scary thought to live where our guts think we want to.

  6. I would take the train because I hate driving into the city. I commend you for driving near the fires and fell so bad for all the people who’s lives have changed because of it as well as all the animals. I like to think I am spontaneous but I am not which bums me out.

    1. We ended up taking the train. The air quality reason won out. I managed to walk down stairs without the cane, which I had ready to go in my bag. We brought reading material that we didn't touch. We took in the passing sights of places we once knew. We were surprised to see signs of homeless along so much of the track .


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