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Imagining. . .

I'm imagining that's me sitting in the ocean right now. The temperature hovers around 94 degrees in our part of town. I'm very thankful that it's not hotter.

Oooh, I just heard a bit of noisy wind outside. It reminds me of times when the Mama, the Husband, and I sat around the kitchen table and suddenly heard and saw wind whirl the tree and plants around furiously in the front yard. Mama always remarked, "That's Jesus Christ." The Husband and I didn't know whether she was kidding us or not.


  1. It's 87 today but feels hotter, our humidity sucks

    1. I've experienced east coast humidity years and years ago. The memory of it still sticks.

  2. The heat is the main reason I dread summer. And lately the beach hasn't been much cooler. Ah well. Fall will be here soon.

    1. Fall is my favorite time of year. This year I want it to be slow in coming since I need to actually accomplish a couple of major things before it's here..

  3. It slight coolier here but first week it spose to be up to 100.
    Coffee is on

  4. I hate the heat unless one is buy a pool or ocean, sea, lake, pond...:) It sounds like the wind fairies are whooping things up.

    1. I'm waiting for the wind fairies to show themselves today. :-)

  5. That poor Jewish kid gets blamed for everything.

    1. If the Mama was not kidding, I'm thinking it was a positive thing to her. Maybe J.C. was vacuuming the bad stuff out of the air. Something like that.

  6. If it weren't for the fans here at my in-laws' house, I would be miserable - hot flashes are NOT helping. Thanks for your recent visit to my blog - in answer to your question, my next craft project is a cross-stitch given to me by my oldest sister upon my retirement - there will be pix in a future post!

    1. Hot flashes in hot weather! Shudder. For some reason that suddenly had me thinking of Popsicle Toes by Michael Franks. Cross-stitch, cool! Somewhere I have a landscape drawing that I thought would make a neat cross-stitch project. Looking forward to seeing yours, Angie.

  7. Ha, that is a sweet slice of life my friend.

    1. There were so many things the Mama said and did that had us wondering. She certainly kept us on our toes. :-)


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