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Winsome Winnie the Wallaby Bride-to-be

"Ladies, only two weeks more!" Winnie the Wallaby said, waltzing dreamily around the room in her wedding dress.

Edwina the Egret, her best lady, sang, "Waltzing Mathilda..."

Two of Winnie's better ladies joined in the song. As they sang, Judge Jennifer the Jack Rabbit hopped and pirouetted while Undine the Uakari twirled and swayed around the soon-to-be bride.

"Glorious!" Winnie said out of breath. The four creatures clapped and hooted. "Too bad the other better ladies couldn't stay."

"These dresses are gorgeous," cooed Edwina looking at herself in the mirror. "I feel so pretty."

"That's because you are pretty, Edwina, dear," said Undine. "The dress has nothing to do with it."

Edwina kissed the cheek of her favorite uakari.

"Oooh, what do you think Iago will say when he sees her?" Winnie teased.

Edwina blushed. "Enough of me," she huffed, pretending to inspect her right wing. Her friends smiled and winked at each other.

Judge Jennifer turned to the albino wallaby. "So, have you decided, Winnie? Shall you want us with or without hats?"

"Better!" said Winnie. "Hawaiian headpieces! Your choice of flower."

Edwina, Judge Jennifer, and Undine clapped their hands. "The others will love it!" they said in unison as they fell into step with the waltzing Winnie.

W is the theme for this week of ABC Wednesday. Check out the meme here and the list of this week's participants here. Thank you much, ABCW team!


  1. Congradualtion to the new couple.
    Coffee is on

    1. Winnie & Thomas say, "Thank you, Dora! Hope you stop by on the wedding day, two Thursdays from now." :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Adam. Edwina the Egret did not like my rendition of her nose. I told her I'd fix it. :-)

  3. Sounds like it's getting closer.

    1. Two more weeks! The wedding is all the ABC creatures can talk about. lol

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Roger. The ladies are very happy with their choices.

  5. Wonderfull times ...the day's leading to a wedding...
    Remember mine..although so many years ago now ;-)

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

    1. Cool, Melody. I love knowing that this is reminding you of yours. :-)

  6. What a darling story! Have a great weekend!

  7. I love the dress in blue and they look so excited for the day....can hard.y wait

    1. With all the planning, I haven't given thought as to what I shall wear for the wedding. :-)


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