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Feeling Groovy

I'm feeling mighty groovy right now. Just like the song sang by Simon & Garfunkel, once upon a time. The Husband and I had a lot of fun this weekend. Ever since Eliza, our dependable 25-year old of a metal steed, had work done on her, she has been taking us places. So much so that I know the moon is in afternoon sky right now, something I haven't noticed in a very long while.

On Saturday morning, we joined a group of like-minded people  downtown to express our concerns about the actions of our federal government. There was about two dozen of us, I think. Pretty good for our town.

The current President's policy to separate children from their parents at the border was an incomprehensible and  immoral act.  To fix his action, he signed an Executive Order to stop his administration from following his policy for any family who is detained at the border. But, what about all the children who are already separated? Legally, children in immigration detention centers can only be detained for 20 days. I've read that the records on the separated children are nonexistent or incomplete.

For the last 85 years, our county held a rodeo to celebrate the local area's cowboy traditions and heritage. Good friends Missus & Mister H invited us to sit in their family box on Saturday afternoon. For the third time ever, I watched cowboys compete for the best time of hanging onto a bucking steer, sitting on a broncing horse, milking a wild cow, roping a steer, racing around a barrel, and a few other events.

It was exciting indeed. Between you and me, I was rooting for the four-legged animals. 

After the rodeo, we wandered around the ranch of our good friends, who graciously let me click away with my camera.

Tractor in orchard, click.

Green walnuts, click.

Chickens, click.

Red-painted boards on an old shed, click.

This morning we embraced the idea of Sunday traffic and headed to Marina, a bit northeast of Monterey, to the farmer's market, so that I could satisfy my yen for Asian vegetables. Not only did we purchase bittermelon fruit and leaves, but also daikon, Japanese eggplants, tabongow, camote leaves, and gai lan (Chinese broccoli), along with other fresh organic veggies. In addition, we scored the last two ham-and-cheese croissants at one of our favorite bakeries before we got onto the highway.

The best part of the day? We found a wonderful used bookstore to haunt whenever we're in the Monterey area—the Friends of the Marina Library Community Bookstore. It is Heaven!

It's time for All Seasons, a weekly meme hosted by Jesh at Artworks from Jesh St.G. Click here to check out Jesh. For the participants list, click here. Thanks, Jesh!


  1. Trump only signed the order to stop the massive backlash. He already did his intended damage. Like when the early US banned the slave trade but not slaves. We will continue to hear the horror stories.

    1. Unfortunately, true, Adam. At least, enough people raised their words to get him to sign the order against himself. We don't rest there though.

  2. Sounds like you had a really good weekend and trusty Eliza is doing you proud - my van is 23 years old this year and only ever needs minor things fixing for the yearly MOT certificate. I love the red painted boards on the shed and the library looks like a great place :)

    1. Thanks, Eunice. We took good care of Eliza, taking her to her regular maintenance checks until the car dealer's service place had a hard time finding parts for it, so they said. They probably wanted us to get a new car. Our service guy now, who is not affiilated with the car company, can find parts for Eliza.

  3. That was definitely a good weekend -- you, your hubby, and Eliza sound like a great trio! You had some fun -- and did some good!! Congratulations on actively resisting the horror that is going on. i will probably be able to be able to join some of that now that we are home in Oregon. (Harder to find like-minded souls in Florida, although if i were brave enough i suppose my vote and actions would mean more there than here where we're in the majority). Thanks for posting about what you did -- every day lately the news makes me want to cry my eyes out.

    1. I think your vote and actions mean everything for everyone everywhere. Yes, I do, Sallie. I'm glad that the local Democratic party put it together. It's just as important to stand firm in towns as in big cities and urban areas. Standing with others is fellowship to me.

  4. Feelin' Groovy!!!! I sure remember Rodeo Days . . . sure would be swell to visit that bookstore . . and oooh, you reminded me to days when it was easy to stop at a little bakery and cross the street to enjoy a picnic at the point . . . yeahhhh, That's a good memory place to hang out . . . . love & love, -g-

    1. You'd definitely love that bookstore, G. I came away with four great finds for ten bucks. Even at another used bookstore, it would be twice or thrice that.

  5. Good for you for making it to a protest. I can't even with what's going on right now. We are now the horror.

    Rodeo, eh? Looks like it was fun.

    1. There was one event in which 3 cowboys had to pull out 3 steers with certain numbers from a whole bunch of them by so many minutes. I almost wouldn't mind learning to ride a horse and learn the proper skills to do that competition. :-)

      It feel great when people honked and waved as they drove by us. I think it made them feel great to see they aren't alone in this horror.

  6. The evil men do. :(

    What wonderful jaunts you've had. :) ... I would be rooting for the four-leggeds too. That's why I choose not to visit zoos, aquariums, etc. It's too hard on the Spirit.

    1. It was a good weekend. It was a good week, too, last week was. So much whirlwind for us young old fogeys. :-)

  7. It sounds like a great time getting things accomplished!

  8. We hear your concerns about the separated children all the way over here in Australia. Looks like you have had a very interesting time of late. I love the red painted chook shed. Enjoy the bookstore. Renjoy the rest of your week and thank you for stopping by my blog this week.

  9. I'm feeling pretty cool right now knowing it's going to soar into the 90s soon but loving the "day off" of more touch up painting and moving around furniture.
    One thing I'll say about this town they know how to demonstrate and good for you guys, at least more people seem to care about all those kids being taken away and treated like dogs and at least dogs get spas and sitters when away from their parents.
    Are walnuts out already? That's a lot of veggies I'm unfamiliar with, what are you going to make with them?

    1. Good point about the pet sitters and critter spas, Jeanna.
      Walnuts are usually ready in the Fall. At this stage, they'd be perfect for people to make walnut liqueur.
      On Sunday, I parboiled the gai lan and tossed it in some the sauce that came with frozen potstickers. Today I made a Filipino vegetable stew called pinakbet this morning with the eggplants. It also included Hubbard squash, okra, onions, tomatoes, garlic, and linguisa.
      Camote leaves translate to sweet potato leaves but they're not the leaves of the sweet potato. They kind of taste like spinach. I plan to parboil it then mix it with fresh tomatoes. Don't know yet what to do with the daikon, which is a long white radish that's used particularly in Japanese and Korean cuisine.

  10. Enjoyed your travels and adventures. Good for you to speak out against injustice.

  11. I thought, for sure, I wrote here. I’m so glad you protested and stood up for what is right. I love the moon photo which is quite bewitching.

    1. An afternoon moon is bewitching to me. :For that matter, so is an afternoon. :-)

  12. Good for you to take action - I do believe in our democracy and the power of the people to bring about change. You packed a lot into your weekend … I hope we get to a farmer's market soon - I have a hankering for rhubarb! Maybe now that my in-laws are here and we can settle into just enjoying ourselves (rather than all the prep), we might get to one. By the way, I may not be commenting as much for the next few weeks while we show them the sights in our neck of the woods!

    1. That was a rare weekend. Lately, though, we seem to be out and about more that usual. What's that saying about when it rains, it rains? Have fun seeing the sights with the in-laws!


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