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El Camino Paraiso

In Fall 1962, the family moved into a brand new house on a brand new street a couple miles east of town. Lucky 711 was the street number; El Camino Paraiso, the street name. Translation: Paradise Road. Myself, I prefer "The Road to Heaven" because the cemetery, run by the Catholic Church, sat next door.

I thought a ghost lived in my bedroom closet. Every now and then, until I left for college, just as I was falling asleep, I experienced old hag syndrome, a kind of sleep paralysis. The only way I felt safe was to sleep in a fetal position on my left side, facing away from the closet.

Cute yellow house, don't you think? It had a huge back yard, enough space for the Daddy to grow a good-size vegetable garden, as well as plant fruit trees and raise chickens, pigeons, goats, and pigs. Fortunately for us we lived in the county. With all that, the Parents still were able to put in a patio, some lawn, and a flower garden. 

The Mama sold the yellow house in 1987, a year after her retirement and several years after the Daddy died. I wonder if ghosts still live in that closet.

The Mama in 1970.


  1. The yellow house is cute. You know, my hubby has had a dream. Like yours and my one friend had something similar. If I d that quite scary

    1. I learned about this syndrome several years ago, which was a relief to know I wasn't nuts. Once I hit my 30s, I experienced this syndrome less and less. Maybe it was because I became more confident and assured about life and living.

  2. Yes, I think it's a very nice looking house. One of my childhood fears was living next to a graveyard and my dad kidded me that we were moving next to one from time to time. I hope you sleep better now cuz I don't know how you slept at all back then.
    I don't know if this makes you feel better but my sister and cousin told me native American spirits followed me back home from the Indian Mounds to take revenge on me for stepping on their graves. I had many sleepless nights because of that.

    1. When I was an older teen I often visited a nearby historical museum which showed how people lived in the 19th century. On my last visit I freaked out, thinking I was feeling spirits. Also thought they came home with me, going to live in the closet with the ghost.

  3. It is a cute house -- the ghost had good taste! (I followed the link and I really don't think what you had is a laughing matter. Really.)

    1. I learned what that syndrome was several years ago. Even reading about it gives me the willies.

  4. Re-visiting our childhood homes (even if just in our thoughts) brings good and questionable memories .... sounds like most of yours are pleasant ones!

    1. All in all, more pleasant than unpleasant, now that I put things in perspective. :-)

  5. I've experienced that only two times (that I can remember) both when I was dreaming about my not-so-pleasant childhood, and thankfully, both a very long time ago.

    1. I think if I were to experience it now, I'd reason with the hag and if that that didn't work, defend myself.


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