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I'm tired of writing about movies. But, I have to say something. Missus Lady says so. She says she's not filling in for me like last time.  So, okay.

The other day Missus Lady received a surprise package from Miss Georgy (You rock!) of Jubilee Street. In it were sweet stuff including a couple of blank journals and blank postcards to invite creativity. Purrrrrrrrrr. 

This morning Missus Lady and Hero Man painted postcards in the backyard.  She painted an island, I think, while he painted Me! Purrrrrrrrrrr.

A note from Su-sieee! Mac: This week the theme is the letter P on ABC Wednesday. Click here to check out what bloggers from around the world have written. Thank you,  ABCW team!

P.S. Maybe Molly will be back with a movie review next week.


  1. What a great gift. You made good use of the note cards. They're lovely!

  2. Fun paintings ~ so creative and colorful for P ~ ^_^

    Love and light,
    A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Merci beaucoup. The Husband and I hope to play more with the paints.

  3. In my opinion, that is the BEST gift. I am so happy to see you painting. They are fabulous!!


  4. A purrrrfect morning, for you all. :)

  5. What a lovely gift ... and creative dad and mom you have, you are a very lucky cat!

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-WEDNES-day / – week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  6. Love what you did with the blank pages.

  7. Keep enjoying your creativity! I hope you still do film reviews:)


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