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I don't think I'm there yet—a succulent crazy mama.

I did go to a succulent and cactus show a couple months of ago. It was something to do. It was free.

And, yeah, okay I did buy $30 worth of plants, which I finally planted in that ceramic planter above.  The purchases were the orange and red moon cactuses, that spiny looking tree, the cactus with the tiny white flowers on the right that's blending with the white rocks, and the succulent in the metal planter on the left. Maybe that little succulent in the center of the bowl. I can't recall. I also can't remember if I kept their name tags.

Yesterday, I dug out the Mama's spindly looking aloe vera plants in the back yard. They were nesting next to the apricot tree and geraniums,  getting too much water and not enough sun.  I thought I would plant them today in a sunnier part of the backyard, but I felt too tired. Maybe tomorrow morning, I'll at least stick the largest plants into the ground, and a few of the new growth in old shoes.

Yes, shoes. I have two bags full of the Mama's and my old shoes to turn into planters for succulents. I don't know about the Mama's platform shoes, maybe they'll become part of a border. That might look cool, don't you think?

I tell you if it weren't for gardening, I don't know how I would've coped with everything these past 15 months.

I'm sharing at Jesh's All Seasons, her weekly meme that she hosts at her site Artworks by JeshStG. Click here to check it out. Thanks, Jesh!


  1. My mom kept a small cactus once, it lasted a few years but she never bothered to take care of it.

  2. Peace in the garden... I'm glad it is working for you times like you've had, it's really important to find the thing that does that for us. One of my favorite pix from our Alaska trip is a lowvstone wall topped with old worn out hiking or work boots, each one used as a planter. It was simply charmed ng!

    1. I've seen photos of hiking boot planters. Also high-top sneaker planters. I hope the ones I make will do well. I didn't get the chance to do any gardening today. There's always tomorrow.

  3. I like succulants, but I am not very good at taking care of them. I think I water them too much! Have a great week!

    1. With practice comes knowledge. At least that's what I tell myself. I've managed to destroy some really handsome looking jade trees by planting them in the wrong place. First they got overheated then too much rain.

  4. Like Kelley - bought several succulents, but they keep dying on me. Great and cheerful bowl of succulents you have! Keep the Aloe Vero though, great for cooling off wounds, and their juice seems to be healthy too:) Thank you so much Susie for sharing your succulents with All Seasons - have a cool week:)

    1. As I was cleaning the aloe vera, I put some on my skin, which seemed to like it quite well. That gives me incentive to find the sweet spots for the plants.

  5. Gardening does soothe the soul, doesn't it? :) ... and those succulents are certainly looking succulent-y too. :)

  6. Working in the garden is a wonderful feeling. I love spending time with my plants Your pot looks so beautiful and colourful. Enjoy!!


  7. Gardening is such a stress buster, and that feeling when the seeds you sow sprout is such a wonderful thing.
    Thanks for sharing this post

    Click Here to see what Mrs. Dash Says

    1. You're so right, DeeDee. This year I'm especially amazed with the sunflower seeds. Tiny little things grew into over 10-feet high flowers!

  8. Replies
    1. The partying cactus garden bows and curtsies with its thanks.


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