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Seeking Distraction

It's past noon and I haven't done what I said I would do today.

But, I did make apple scones for breakfast and went out to the front yard with Molly the Cat to deadhead daisies and pull some weeds. Now I'm writing about it all.

All distractions from filling out income tax forms.

Doing the taxes should take less than two hours. I already did a first pass last month to get an idea of the damage to our checkbook. So, no big deal, right?

I'm listening to the Full Sail album by Loggins & Messina in hopes that it will get me into the mood. Yes, right after I imagine myself snorkeling in Hawaii.  Ah, such pretty fishes. 

I'm linking up with All Seasons, a meme hosted by Jesh of Artworks from JeshStG. Click here to check out other participants.


  1. The picture of your purple flowers are so bright and pretty. I used to do income tax but my brain fried so now I have an accountant do them and he is wonderful and knows all the inside outs if I can call it that. What's funny is that I have to do free income tax for people who make less than $30,'s all volunteer

    1. Birgit you have a heart of gold. Hugs and hugs. :-)

  2. Wow, since it was 33 degr. this morning I think I'll stay out of the water for a while longer! But I do like how you got the signature in a wave! I think it happens to all of use at some point that we don't get done what we planned, LOL! Thank you so much for your sharing your experience this week with SEASONS! Have a good one:)

  3. You are so fun!!! Bet you could make a looong list of nifty diversions.
    I hope you get to do them all!!!!
    (right after you file . . giggle)

    1. It took me an extra day, but they are done and mailed. Freedom from that for another year. :-)

  4. We're doing our taxes now too ... had to take a break though ... too much taxes in one day isn't healthy. :)

    1. Yup, I took an extra day. Done and mailed. Whooo-hooo!

  5. I don't like doing taxes! I don't even like doing my checkbook.

    1. Thankfully, the Husband does that task. Hmmm, maybe it is a fair exchange for me to do taxes while he does the checkbook....

  6. Replies
    1. The purple flowers thank you. I had to think them out a week or so after taking the photo. They come back with a vengeance, thankfully.

  7. Pretty flowers! Filling in tax forms is extremely dull! Would rather be snorkeling with fishes in Hawaii...

  8. The purple blooms are so cheerful! I hope you finished your taxes by now. I hate doing taxes, but this year we got a refund :)

  9. Love those flowers! You're right, it is required to stop and write about it all. :D


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