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A VHS-Tape Planter

The VHS tapes have been staring at me in the living room for more than a month. It could even be two months. I think that was the last time the Husband and I opened a bunch of boxes from storage to determine what to use, keep, throw, donate, recycle, maybe repurpose, or maybe sell. I think these VHS tapes are ones that I thought we might be able to sell online one day.

This morning I finally did something with 12 of the VHS tapes. I bound them together with duct tape to make two walls for a bottomless planter. That's it in the photo. Pretty cool, huh?

The planter would've been made of all VHS tapes, but I didn't have enough tapes. Fortunately, I kept the doors of a small cabinet, which fell apart last year, for the other two walls.

I figure the pretty flowers will take the focus away from the funky taping. Maybe later I'll pretty up the planter with color or simply put something beside the taped VHS-tape side.

It feels good to make something!

Today I'm hooking up with All Seasons, a meme hosted by Jesh at Artworks from JeshStG.  Click here to check other participants, or to join in yourself. Thanks, Jesh!


  1. Fun! Good that you found a use for them!

    1. Now, I'm looking at old records, thinking how I can turn them into something fun for the yard.

  2. YOU are an Original!!!
    Just seeing this made me happy all over.

    1. I am the original Su-sieee! Mac, that's for sure. :-)

  3. I laughed, I could totally see you make this planter, knowing you had a creative mom! Now your problem what to do with the VHS tapes is solved!!
    Hope Easter was a good day for you and your hubby:) Here it rained in the afternoon:) Thank you much for sharing your new planter with All Seasons, dear friend! Have a good one.

    1. A laugh is the perfect response to a VHS-Tape planter. I'll take a chuckle and a smile, too. :-)

  4. Replies
    1. As Elvis liked to say, "Thank you. Thank you very much." :-)

  5. Now that is inventive! This is one way to work these tapes.

    1. Now I wish I hadn't got rid of the other tapes. lol


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