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A Cat in a Flower Pot

By golly! Miss Molly, whatever are you doing?

As always, Molly the Cat ignored my question.

I watched her jump into the pot, sniff as she turned 360 degrees inside it, then climbed so daintily out of it.

Molly the cat and I were doing our morning round of the front yard. I was curious to see how well the plants fared in this morning's frost. A few plants in the shade sported soft ice similar to what's in a shaved-ice cone.

What was Molly curious about?

I saw two dove feathers near the tree, which means that a neighborhood cat successfully caught himself a bird that morning. Molly may have picked up his scent. She looked to have lost it a few feet from the flower pots.

Life is good that I can start my day like this.

I'm linking up today with All Seasons, a meme hosted by Jesh at Artworks from Jeshstg. Click here to join or  to check out other participants.


  1. Molly patrol . . . feeling wild-ish with the security of YOU close by.

    1. lol. And I feel securely happy with the Molly patrol.

  2. Nice series! Cats are hunter, when they don't hunt living creatures, they hunt feeds - thats all so exciting -
    Merry Christmas time

  3. Darling cat! I love how they are such hunters! Merry Christmas!

    1. Molly even likes pouncing on any bread tie that found its way to the floor.

  4. Great photos - I like the first one best, it made me giggle :)

  5. Molly says, "Hmm, a wormhole to a galaxy far, far away. I'd best investigate this when my humans aren't around. I don't think they'd fit." :)

    1. Hahahaha, I'm sure I'd find a way to fit if that is one.

  6. It's good to have a watchcat to help with the morning patrol. And such a beautiful one.

    Frost? What is that? ( we are in Florida for the winter now our Oregon kids have been telling us about that word...the ones who are still speaking to us ;))... we flew here just before the first ice storm hit Eugene.

    1. oooh. If I sit right next to the heater vent I can imagine myself in a warm climate right now. Today I was feeling sorry for the jade on our yard. They suffer through the low temperatures at night. Then suffer again in the heat of the sun.

  7. Aw....sweet Molly guarding the yard. Cats are such incredibly smart felines always watching our backs even though they act like they could care less. LOL!


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