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The Vivacious Mama

This is the last photo I took of the ever vibrant Mama gazing directly at me. This was back in March when the Asian pear tree behind her was beginning to bloom. I discovered the photo this morning when I was looking for something to share at  Friday's Hunt, hosted by Teresa of Eden Hills.

The photo fulfills the prompts for this week: 1) Starts with V  2) Week's Favorite  3) Thankful

I'm thankful that I have a photo of the oh-so-vital Mama. A couple weeks after this photo was taken, her body, as her doctor put it, finally hit the wall. It no longer was able to compensate after her 94 years of living. There's much for me to be thankful when it comes to the Mama. Most of all, I am thankful that the Mama was my mama.  

Click here to visit Eden Hills and the other participants of this week's Friday's Hunt.



  1. Susie, you were rewarded with a very nice Mama. I am glad you are keeping her picture close by. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Hi, Jim. I certainly was given a wonderful Mama. :-)

  2. 94 years young! WOW! Thanks for sharing.

    1. We all thought she'd make the 100 she liked to tell people she was. :-)

  3. I'm thankful you chose to share your stories of such an amazing woman with us. :)

    1. I'm glad you like her stories, Widders. Strength and wonder recognizes each other.

  4. Oh she is as beautiful and kind looking as I always knew she would be from your words.. Perfect V adjectives, and of course you could really use this photo for so many letters as well as V. Happy, courageous, bright, beautiful .....

    Thank you for sharing the love and respect she so rightly deserved.

    1. The Mama would've giggled and said, "Me?" While playing down the compliments, she would've been tickled pick to hear your kind words, Sallie.

  5. She was a beautiful lady! I love that image of her. Thanks for joining Friday's Hunt. Have a good week!

  6. This is very sweet and such a loving moment that you shared with us.

    1. I'm glad I have this photo of her. She's looking right at me. :-)

  7. What a sweet post, but sorry to hear of your loss. Mama's just can't be replaced.

  8. what a beautiful mama you had. I bet you have lots of stories from her long lifetime to remember. A friend, who has her mom in an assisted living center due to Alzheimer's told of picking her mom up for Christmas dinner and finding another resident's daughter had purchased personalized gifts for each resident. She said her mom looked so happy and my friend sat with a gentleman who served in WWII and was turning 99 years young. Oh the stories that generation would share with us. I am very glad I always paid good attention. I only wish I could cook like my own mama. But I will never let go of my heritage and all the traditional dishes.I don't like living without my folks, they were so strong and kind and always there to listen to any problem I might have. But I would not wish them back to this life and their tired bodies and the woes in this world today. This photo is such a beautiful tribute to your mama. What a lovely person she must have been.


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