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Feeling Artsy-Fartsy Today

Bones Approaching DOOM

The Husband suggested that title for the photo. It has a nice ring, don't you think?

Back to the picture. Imagine that the bones are wearing cowboy spurs. Imagine, now, that the bones are walking towards the ribbon of red. Jhing. Jhing. Jhing. 

Doesn't it seem that the bones might also be wearing a poncho similar to the one Clint Eastwood's character wore in the Italian western movies once upon a time?

That photo above is my edited version of the photo below that I took yesterday at the Day of the Dead procession in our county. I took a lot of photos. As always. My thought was to clean some up in Photoshop and share them at my other blog. Well, I didn't get pass this photo. I blame it on the skeleton (on the left) for holding up its arm in such a way that I thought it would be fun to contrast the bones with the feathers on the headdresses. You know how that goes. The creative brain cell kicked in and dismissed the practical sense of what I had planned to do.  There's always tomorrow for that.


  1. Yes this is a festival I am not too familiar with but it seems to be taking on more momentum all around. I love the skeleton hand and think of a mannequin who died under strange circumstances. This is how my mind works:)

  2. I love what you've done in the first pic, it's very arty - simple but effective :)

  3. You local "Day of the Dead" celebration looks really lively . . .

    Thank you for sharing your process . . now, i feel a little better about how much time it takes for this rookie to pull her stories together.

    love & love,


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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