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Crybaby Me.

The Mama used to tell me a story about the time that the Daddy carried me on his back while they picked tomatoes one summer day. I was maybe two years old. "You cried and cried," the Mama said. "You kept saying, 'Go home, Daddy. Go home.'"

The poor Daddy! And, all those other poor workers around us who were forced to listen to a tiny, fat crybaby of a girl piggy-backing on her poor Daddy's back. The poor Daddy!

How did the Parents ever get me to stop crying? Did the Daddy take the Mama and me home and go back to work? Did I eventually calm down, get off the Daddy's back, and find a way to entertain myself so the Parents could work in peace? I don't know. The Mama never told me what happened. She simply laughed after telling me.

Why am I telling you the story? I don't know. I find myself tearful all of a sudden lately.

C is for crybaby me. Not pitiful me though.

C is the letter for this week's ABC Wednesday, a weekly meme that is keeping me centered. I thank the ABCW team, lead by Roger Green, and started by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt, for giving me a place to share my words. To keep me going. Maybe next week, I'll be more cheerful.


  1. Sending a hug to teary you. I imagine that those tears will well up as lovely memories and mysterious memories come to you.

  2. I'm sending you a cyber-hug during your time of sorrow. May you never forget the Mama's laughter, and find peace in knowing that she is in a better place that we are. Blessings, my friend.

    1. Thank you, Arnoldo. I appreciate your gentle words.

  3. love & love & love & love . . . . betcha you were cute then - 'cause you are super cute now.

  4. That's an adorable story, don't worry about crying--its good for the soul.

    1. Ann, thank you. I ought to be grateful that I'm not soulless. :-)

  5. When we love sometimes our eyes leak.

    1. You've got me leaking. Good leaking though, Widders. Thank you.

  6. Crying is human and normal. I cry more now than I used to do before my husband died. When I he died in November 1999 I had no time to cry. I can understand that you need a good cry every now and then, since your mum died recently.

  7. Although it is on the Crybaby you, but indirectly it is a lovely tribute to your great daddy:) Wonderfully written..!

  8. Sweet memories (not so sweet for mama probably) love the design !

    1. Thanks, Gattina. I drew the picture to illustrate a story I wrote last year.

  9. I can't for real... so virtual but no less sincere, I send you a very big hug and I tell you to let your tears go... they clense the soul... every person cries, needs to !

    1. Thank you for the hug, Melody. Virtual hugs feel wonderful, too.

  10. Favourite pastime of babies is crying.

  11. Loving and warm post ~ for C ~ you are still grieving ~ be gentle with yourself ~ xox

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  12. This is a sweet story and you will feel this for a very long time. Eventually, you will remember this and smile but give yourself the gentleness you need. Grieving has its own time and she was one of your rocks in life.

    1. Thanks, Birgit. I'm being silly for thinking I'm being a wuss for not being in the saddle by now. Reading and listening to your support, and other blogging friends, helps me at least realize what I'm doing.

    2. It's only been a very few months and you took care of her and were her caregiver plus you were close to her. It will take time to let the grieving pass. You need to allow yourself the right to grieve for as long as you need to

  13. Oh belated hugs -- now that I am sure you already feel better because of all your smarter and prompter blog pals. This was such a sweet story -- and lovely tribute really to both your parents. I'm glad I read it. And I understand days like that. They get less frequent with time, but ....

  14. I see crying babies, on a bus, and I want the parents to give me a shot at calming the child, NOT something you can ask a stranger.


  15. We are taught all crying is wrong. But it is okay to cry sometimes.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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