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Unconnected is how I feel when I leave our driveway on Tilda-Hilda. The further away we get from neighborhoods and busy streets, well, you can guess, the more my soul smiles bigger.

Unconnected has been the Husband's and my world the last few days. Our phone and DSL lines went dead. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. Big fat zero.

The first day I panicked. The second day I relaxed and watched 1960 caper movies with the Husband in the afternoon. The third day I was a bit more responsible and went to the library to use a computer to access my email. The last email was from the Husband who wrote that the lines were working again. I was relieved, at the same time bummed.

Unconnected. It's nice every so often.

It's the letter U at ABC Wednesday. Click here to check out other paticipants. This weekly meme was started by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt and administered today by the ABCW team under the helm of Roger Green. Thank you, all!


  1. It is nice when we can't use all of these computers and sit back and relax and enjoy nature. Years ago, there was a major power outage and we had no power for 26 hours. Everyone was out on their veranda, laughing, talking, playing games. What does that say eh?

    1. It says that it has taken me a week to respond to comments! :-) Hiya, Birgit!

  2. to feel that way at certain moments, and prefarbly by choice, is a good thing
    to feel this way every time and every where is undoubtably horrific, as i know all to well but i'm working on it ;-)

    Have a nice abcwednes-day / – week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

    1. The unconnected feeling with everyone is not a good one in my book, too, Melody. Hope your week was a good one.

  3. I like to be unconnected every once in a while. Sometimes when we go on holiday we stay unconnected for more than two weeks at a time. There is something of a withdrawal period when we do that, but I think it's healthy!

    1. It used to take me 3 days or so to unwind when I went on vacation from work. I wonder what it would be like now.

  4. I like to be 'unconnected' when we go away on holiday but then, I worry about Chloe the cat, she stays at home and the girls' look after her, I worry That she gets lonely but then she sleeps 18 hours per day. She couldn't cope with going into a cattery, so staying at home is the only option.
    We've cut our holidays for up to 7 days at a time.... all for our darling Princesss Chloe...... but we wouldn't have it any other way. Hope Miss Mollie cat is ok and of course you and the husband.
    ABCW team.

    1. The Husband and I need to go far away but we hesitate because we don't know what to do with Molly the Cat.

  5. Unconnected is exactly what I feel when I close and lock the doors and leave my house for a couple of weeks. Good word , Susie!
    Wil, ABCWTeam

    1. Thanks, Wil. Unconnected is how it ought to be when we "run away".

  6. I love to be unconnected when I'm on holiday. As soon as I reach the camp site my phone is turned off and only turned back on again if I really need to use it for something important. It's not the be-all and end-all of my life anyway so to spend a few days unconnected is no hardship.

    1. I like your way of thinking, Eunice. Last week the Husband upgraded the cell phone. It's still a simple thing but I'm doing my best to not learn it yet.

  7. it's hard for most of us to be unconnected!

    1. The Mama was very good at being unconnected without being unconnected.

  8. Happy Picture. I used to rejoice every time i traveled . . there is always so much more.

    The internet goes out occasionally - I simply turn it off and occupy myself in other ways . . . grateful to have mySelf back again.

    love & love,

    1. Since I haven't taken on any projects--or want to take on any for now - I find it easier to not stay glued to the computer all day.

  9. I know what you mean - it's an adventure at first, but then....

    abcw team

  10. I guess it's panic we feel, that we won't know something immediately. It is great to get unconnected at times.

    1. Yes, especially on days when I feel like I've done too many errands and seen and talked to too many people.

  11. Unplugging the tech is good for the soul. :)

  12. In the late 1960's my husband was in the Navy and we lived in Sicily. We had no phone for a while and we never had our little black and white TV converted to use in Italy because there was no CNN back then or anything in English. We lived on a military base for most of the time and got together a lot with our neighbors. We'd visit and play games. We also read a lot. I always look back on those days with fond memories. The only time we dragged out the TV was when man walked on the moon. We couldn't use the sound, but we watched the pictures on Italian TV and listened on the Armed Forces Radio Network. Other than that I never missed TV. We came back to the states and the TV was on all the time. Eventually we had more than one TV. Since my husband and I enjoyed different shows we didn't even watch in the same room anymore.

    1. There are days when all I do is vegetate in front of the TV watching old movies, food shows, and house hunting programs one after the other. That I suppose is another form of being unconnected.

  13. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

  14. I am glad you are enjoying more adventures with Tilda Hilda.

    1. Not so much the past week or so because of the thick fog in the morning and of me working out in the garden. I don't like riding in the late afternoons or early evenings. Drivers seem to pay less attention then.

  15. Isn't that a wake up call - we had it last Fall with the fires! Glad your connected to the world again.
    Susie, a gentle reminder also to link up to SEASONS (with your bike, haha) before Wednesday 7pm Pacific time. Am curious if you have farmers market...! Hope to see you there:)

    1. We have a seasonal farmers market. Today's our day. (It is Wednesday, right?) That would be a good post for SEASONS. Maybe next Monday. Thanks for the reminder, Jeanette.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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