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A Pleasure of Mess

Sunflowers from the grocery store. I sprinkled a jar full of seeds throughout the backyard a month ago. As the Mama said about things she planted, "If they grow, they grow."

Tiny roses from the roses that the Mama planted in the box I built many years ago and which I demolished on Friday. I should've either reinforced the box or removed the plants and potted them elsewhere for the Mama. Something I thought every time I watered the box the last few years.

Bougainvillea and jasmine from the out-of-control vines in the front yard. The Mama would've been pleased to see the jasmine in full bloom, but also would've sighed that the vines had taken over. And, now, it's up to me to figure what to do.

"What are you writing?" asked the Husband, looking up from the newspaper. The remains of our lunch sprawled on the kitchen table.


A few minutes later, I looked across the flowers on the table at the Husband and said, "I want to make a table runner."

"What's a table runner?" the Husband asked.

"I'll have to take out the sewing machine. But first I'll need to fine a place where I can set it up permanently, but every space in this house is taken."

"What's a table runner?"

"A piece of cloth that runs down the center of the table," I said, sweeping my arm down the center of the table.

"What's its purpose? To put things on?"

"Something like that." I really don't know.

Maybe I don't really want to make one.

The trio of vases full of sunflowers, roses, bougainvillea, and jasmine sit in a row down the center of the kitchen table.


  1. Oh...I love table runners! I love centre runners because they just jazz up the table. I hope you make one. I love the flower display with your cute hubby on the other side giving almost a wink. It really is a great photo of something real

    1. I'll probably think about making a table runner again the next time we have dinner guests. I'll probably be faking one out of fat quarters.

  2. I like table runners, they add some color to my table. I love bougainvillea, I wish we had the right climate for it to grow here. Pretty flowers and cute shot of your hubby! Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

    1. I had to remove a bougainvillea plant today because it doesn't start flowering until its season is almost over. The vines simply grow overtaking everything else. I did save some branches to try to propagate.

  3. looks like New Ideas are blooming all around your happy home!!!

    1. Lots of new ideas. More than this body can handle.

  4. You are always making your nest better aren't you!

    1. It's more like creating a new nest for us. Slowly.

  5. Table runners add a touch of personal to the table setting and decorations. Good luck in finding a permanent place for the machine. Seems ours is always on a bottom shelf someplace, out of the way.
    I enjoyed reading about your Mama. The things we remember about them are mostly from little reminders that come our way. The lock of hair?

    1. Thanks, Jim.Currently I feel like we're living in a place where everything is in the way. :-)

  6. You could always buy a table runner first to see if that's what you really want. If you like it then you could sew table runners for each season. In my house a cat would jump up and sprawl out on it. Everything here has to be cat proof.

    1. I thought about buying a table runner at a garage sale the other day. Can't beat a $1. But, then I thought my goal is to reduce the stuff in the house. We were at the garage sale to get an idea how it was arranged and what people were selling stuff for.

  7. Unless you have some way of keeping the runner in place they can be more trouble than they're worth, but until cats/children/self/spouse/wind rearrange them they're rather nice to look at. :)

    1. Molly the Cat will think it's a cozy place for her to sleep. The kitchen table is the one place I won't let her stand, walk, or lay on. At least while I'm sitting there. Who knows what she does when we're not around.


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