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Getting Her Jollies

Tweeeet! Tweeeeeet!

Translation:  Hurry, hurry! Get away, get away!

Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp! Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp! Chirp, chirp, chirrrrrrrrrrp!

Translation: What was that? What does she want? I'm hungry! 

Molly the Cat smiles. Lips smack. Tail swishes.

Translation: Mmmmmmmmmmmm. 

Molly settles in the wet grass, beneath the bird feeder. She watches the feeder swing back and forth and listens to the rustling of leaves as the little birds make their way up the tree.

Not to worry little birds. Molly the Cat loves to stalk you, crouch low, and pounce towards the tree. That's it though. She has no idea that she's supposed to catch you.  She's merely getting her jollies for the morning.

Tweeet, tweet, chirpppp, chirrp, tweet!


Molly the Cat and I are linking up with ABC Wednesday, hosted by Roger Green and the ABCW team. Click here to check out what other participants are writing about the letter J and/or to participate yourself.  

We're also hooking up with Warm Heart Wednesday, hosted by Jenny Matlock of Off on My Tangent. Click here to check our this other delightful weekly meme.


  1. Oh I bet she would love to catch the tweety birds. Our newest cat just loves watching the birds from the bedroom window but she can't get near them

    1. She "caught" two so far, but that's only because the birdies were young and fell out of their nests. Poor babies. Molly ran each one into the house. She played with each. That's it.

  2. Molly should learn the tree is for climbing.

    1. She knows how to climb one of the trees in the back yard. And, come back down on her own. I was quite proud of her.

  3. Although its nature, and we all know how cruel nature can be... i am glad that i never see our cat catch a bird or something

    Have a nice ABC-wednesday-day / - week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

    1. The neighbor's cat thinks our front yard is his hunting grounds. it bums me out when I find evidence of his success.

  4. Yes that looks a very swishable tail. Glad the tweeties are too wily for her.

  5. I love your charming story and illustration about Molly and the birdie on the bird feeder. It would make a perfect little picture book or even a sunday funnies strip. Blessings, my friend!

  6. You make me laugh - you are so creative! Have to admit, my dictionary is usually my rescue:) Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I like this cat - vegetarian is she?

  8. What a sweet design ! My cats are bird hunters and lately I don't know who, brought twice a mouse in the house ! I tried to save them but the cats are quicker !

  9. That's a great drawing of Mollie and the birdies. We got rid of our bird table because Chloe cat would sit on top of it waiting for a bird to drop into her mouth, She does occasionally bring a mouse in but as she's getting older she doesn't seem to bother, maybe she needs to wear glasses?
    Best wishes,
    ABCW team.

    1. Thanks, Di. Glasses on Chloe cat would be a cute picture. Molly the Cat is an indoor baby. We let her go outside when one of us, humans, will be outside, too.

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks. Inquisitive is a perfect adjective for Molly the Cat. :-)

  11. Molly the cat looks very animated here looking up at the bird feeder. Also, I love the texture of the tree and the grass in this illustration.

    1. Thanks, Julia. I experimented with different brushes in Photoshop. That was fun! Our lawn actually looks like that right now. The rain did it all.

  12. The whole purpose of hunting is to swish the tail! :)

  13. Fun snippet to read and view in images. Those birds are lucky it's only teasing from Molly.

    Thanks for the visit at Gallery Juana Photos

  14. Silly Molly. I have a couple that would dearly love to catch every bird they see. Luckily, I keep them full of cat food, so they mostly like watching.

  15. Molly just makes me happy!

    What a fun heart warming link for week 18.



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